For some enumeration of the complexity class P (such as this as an example: How does an enumerator for machines for languages work?), for each string π in the enumeration, does there exist some other string (certificate) π that allows you to verify π is a member of the enumeration in poly time? I believe that it might be possible in poly time because all we have to do is check if a string fits some certain format (format of the encoding)?
A decision problem $P$ is poly time verifiable iff there is an algorithm π called verifier such that if $P(w)=$ππΈπ then there is a string $c$ s.t. $π(w,c)=$ππΈπ, if $P(w)=ππ$ then for all strings $c$, $π(w,c)=$ππ and V runs in $O(w^{k})$ for some constant $k$ for all inputs $w$.