A perfect natural number is that which is equal to the sum of it's divisors. For example 6 is perfect: 1+2+3=6 also 28 is perfect.
Prove the following language is NP hard:
L={< n> | n is a perfect natural number}.
You can use the fact that if
$$n=p_{1}^{m_{1}}p_{2}^{m_{2}} \cdot \cdot \cdot p_{k}^{m_{k}}$$
where $p_{i}$ are n's prime divisors, then the sum of n's divisors including n would be:
$$(1+p_{1}+p_{1}^2+...+p_{1}^{m_{1}})(1+p_{2}+p_{2}^2+...+p_{2}^{m_{2}})\cdot \cdot \cdot (1+p_{k}+p_{k}^2+...+p_{k}^{m_{k}})$$ Now I know the proof should contain a polynomial time reduction from some NP problem to this language L, most likely from SAT, I only can't figure out how to go about it, any guidance would be appreciated.