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What class is the language $(C,(v_i)_{i=1}^m,x)$ complete to s.t. $C(x)$ is a boolean circuit with $m$ gates with values $\{v_i\}_{i=1}^m$

Given the following language: $$ L=\left\{\,(\,C,\,\{v_i\}_{i=1}^m, \,x\,) \enspace :\enspace \substack{C(x) \text{ is a boolean circuit with } m \text{ gates} \\i\text{'th gate value is } v_i \text{...
Dennis's user avatar
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Circuits and Closure Under Reductions

Suppose that $A$ and $B$ are languages such that $A\leq_P B$ (many-to-one Karp reduction), and $B\in \mathbf{P/poly}$. How do we prove that $A\in\mathbf{P/poly}$? Using similar ideas like Cook-Levin (...
Anon's user avatar
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Circuit satisfiability problem : SAT-C to SAT-2C

I have the following language : $L=\{\langle C_1,C_2\rangle \text{ | } C_1 \text{ and } C_2 \text{ are two circuits that calculate different function}\}$. We can call this language SAT-2C. Prove that ...
Robert's user avatar
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NP-hardness of MCSP

Ryan Williams and Cody Murray in 2015 proved that MCSP (Minimum Circuit Size Problem) is provably not NP-hard under local reductions. (Local reductions are the ones in which you are allowed time $O(n^{...
Pawan Kumar's user avatar
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Proof of Circuit-Sat to Nand-Sat polynomial time many–one reducibility

Given a gate called Nand with the following truth table: A | B | A Nand B ------------------ 0 | 0 | 1 0 | 1 | 1 1 | 0 | 1 1 | 1 | 0 We can define ...
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