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How to find kth largest element in (max) priority queue in O(m) time?

Here is my exercise. FINDLARGEST(k): return the elements in the heap with key >=k" ... "expand the priority queue (max-heap) so that it supports FINDLARGEST(k) in O(m) time, where m is the number ...
sss's user avatar
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Given a binary min-heap, getting a sorted array of the $\log n$ smallest elements

Let's say we have a binary min-heap of size $n$, and we want to get an array of the smallest $\log n$ values in the heap, sorted. What is the best complexity that we can get and how do we implement it?...
Mickey's user avatar
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Who first invented and analysed algorithm of finding median in a stream of integers using two heaps?

There is popular problem: Given that integers are read from a data stream, find the median of elements read so far in an efficient way. One of possible solutions: Use max-heap for left heap (i....
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