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1 answer

Why are nodes added from left to right in last level in a Heap?

I understand that in Heaps we add them from left to right. I understand how to add and delete. But why is it from left to right, is there something that prevents it from being right to left or ...
themariog's user avatar
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2 answers

Find the largest MinHeap subtree in a given Tree

We are given a rooted tree $T$ of distinct Natural numbers. The goal is to find the largest subtree of $T$ that has MinHeap property. In fact, we want to calculate the largest subset $S$ of nodes, in ...
R.hatam's user avatar
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When is a max heap tree invariant under a root removal, followed by a re-insertion of the root?

Let $T$ be a max heap tree with no duplicate values amongst the nodes. When does $T$ satisfy the following. Remove the root, and restructure the tree to satisfy the heap property. Reinsert the root, ...
user7828's user avatar
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4 answers

How to make a Huffman tree

I'm trying to make a huffman tree based off of some words. I have the frequencies of each character stored using a hashtable, but i need to then make a minheap structure in order to then be able to ...
Papu's user avatar
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How to find diffrenet ways to implement merge and delete_min operation in binomial heap?

I have searched on the internet to find different ways to learn binomial heap operations. What I have found is not quite helpful for me.For example, for delete min operation the algorithm says: ...
Mahmut Salman's user avatar
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Is the heap in "Data Structures Algorithms in Java" by Goodrich, Tamassia, and Goldwasser missing sentinel leaves?

In the book, Data Structures Algorithms in Java Sixth Edition by Goodrich, Tamassia, and Goldwasser on page 339, there is an "Example of a heap storing 13 entries with integer keys. The last ...
Jonathan Komar's user avatar
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Find height of a ternary tree

Ternary heap is like a binary tree, just every node can have up to $3$ sons and not $2$. I try to bound the number of nodes in the heap, $n$, using the height of the heap $h$. The solutions get to: ...
Alon's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it necessary that Minimum/Maximum Heap must be a Binary Heap?

I find this extremely wrong, that a lot of books, articles, video tutorials, online courses or trainers define Minimum/Maximum Heap data structure as a particular type of the Binary Heap data ...
Giorgi Tsiklauri's user avatar
6 votes
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Min Fibonacci Heap - increase key

I have been trying to implementing heap data structures for use in my research work. As part of that, I am trying to implement increase-key operations for min-heaps....
braceletboy's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Finding the k-th smallest ternary sum of elements from three different arrays

The problem goes like this: Given arrays $\{ a_i: 0\leq i \leq n-1 \},\{ b_i: 0\leq i \leq n-1 \} $ and $\{ c_i: 0\leq i \leq n-1 \}$, we want to know what is the $k$-th smallest combination $a_r+...
Dromeda's user avatar
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Minimum number of nodes in AVL tree

Let T be an AVL tree of height 3. What is the smallest number of entries it can store? Note that a tree with one node (only the root) has the height of zero and stores one element. The only method I ...
Reyhaneh Rahimi's user avatar
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The maximum number of nodes in a heap tree of degree d and depth k

The maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of depth k is defined by $2^{(k+1)}-1$, but the same rule doesn't appear to work for heap trees of different degrees. Let's say I have the following tree ...
Nicolasome's user avatar
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Rotations in a treap

I have a treap like the first image and I want to reach the second image to restore min heap order property. I can't understand which kinds of rotations have been done. Image 1 Image 2
Hamideh's user avatar
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Best way to merge 2 max heaps into a min heap

Assume we have 2 max heaps, each with n nodes. We want to merge these 2 heaps and build a min heap. What is the best way to do this? The easiest way is to consider 2 max heaps an array with $2n$ ...
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Number of nodes of height $h$ in a heap or almost complete binary tree

I came up with the following statement: If there are $X$ nodes of height $h$ in an almost complete binary tree, there can be at most 1 node of height $h$ that is not full. That is to say, $X-1$ ...
Blessen George's user avatar
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Analysis on comparisons in a heap-like sorting algorithm

I've stumbled a heap-like sorting algorithm on the Internet as followed: $\\$ For convenience, given a list of $2^n \; (n \in \mathbb{N^*})$ distinct numbers to be sorted increasingly. Step 1: From ...
Vincent J. Ruan's user avatar
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1 answer

Merging two complete heaps

Suppose you have two heaps each containing $2^k - 1$ elements. Design an efficient algorithm for merging these two heaps into a single heap. My approach was to assume two heaps are maxheap. Create ...
Dumb Scientist's user avatar