word problem: given a language L through a deterministic turing machine, is the word w in the language L?
the problem should be decidable, since if there is a deterministic turing machine i can simply turn that into a dfa take the word w go through the dfa step by step and see if i end in an accepting state?
I now want to know if there is a way to reduce the word problem to sat / cnf-sat or 2-sat. can't think of a way that i could do that so i wanted to ask on here. my professor said i should take a look at the proof for cnf-sat / 3-sat in NP and then see what happens when i translate the word problem for dtm in the same way so i would guess i should check what happens when i search for a way where i try to translate the word problem into a sat/cnfsat/2-sat problem. thanks in advance