In a B-Tree, one of the rules is:
Every node (except the root) is at least half full
But then, in a 4-way B-Tree, we have the following case. Suppose we want to insert $10,20,30,40$ to the tree.
After inserting the 3 first element we get the following root:
[10 20 30]
After adding the 40, we split as follows:
[10 20] [40]
For a node to be half full in a m-way B-Tree there must be in that node $\lceil \frac{m}{2} \rceil$ elements. So there must be 2 elements in every node, but the node $[40]$ clearly breaks this rule! So why is this allowed and what should we do?
B-Tree is seriously confusing me and i couldn't find any answers online.