Short version: I want to know where the $-2$ comes from in the formula on p. 221 of CLRS 3rd edition.
Long version: CLRS (3rd ed.) give an algorithm for $O(n)$ worst case arbitrary order statistic of $n$ distinct numbers. The algorithm is roughly:
Input: an array of $n$ elements and $i$, the number of the order statistic to return from the elements.
- Divide the $n$ elements into $\lfloor n/5 \rfloor$ groups of 5 elements each along with an optional group containing $n\mod{5}$ elements (resulting in $\lceil n/5 \rceil$ groups.)
- Find the median of each of the groups by sorting.
- Recurse, using the $\lceil n/5 \rceil$ medians as the array and $\lfloor\lceil n/5 \rceil/2\rfloor$ as the order statistic, resulting in the median-of-medians.
- Partition the $n$ elements around the median-of-medians (using a quicksort-like $O(n)$ partitioning algorithm.
- Letting $k-1$ be the number of elements less than the median-of-medians, if $i = k$, return the median-of-medians. Otherwise recurse: if $i < k$ then recurse finding the $i$th order statistic of the $k-1$ elements less than the median-of-medians; if $i > k$, then recurse finding the $i-k$th order statistic of the $n-k$ elements greater than the median-of-medians.
Output: the $i$th order statistic of the $n$ numbers.
In the proof of the runtime, CLRS argue that the number of elements greater than the median-of-medians is at least:
$$ 3 \bigg(\bigg\lceil \frac{1}2 \bigg\lceil{\frac{n}5} \bigg\rceil \bigg\rceil - 2\bigg) $$
The reasoning is that half of the medians are greater than the median-of-medians, and each of those medians' groups has at least three elements greater than the median-of-medians (the median itself plus the two elements greater than the median.) That would result in
$$ 3 \bigg(\bigg\lceil \frac{1}2 \bigg\lceil{\frac{n}5} \bigg\rceil \bigg\rceil\bigg) $$
for the lower bound on the number of elements greater than the median-of-medians.
But we must account for two things: the group containing the median-of-medians (the median-of-medians is not greater than itself) and the group that contains the modulo leftovers. To account for the group containing the median-of-medians, we subtract 1, resulting in:
$$ 3 \bigg(\bigg\lceil \frac{1}2 \bigg\lceil{\frac{n}5} \bigg\rceil \bigg\rceil\bigg) - 1 $$
and I think that for the modulo leftovers group, we should subtract 4, because the least number of elements in the group is 1. So that would give:
$$ 3 \bigg(\bigg\lceil \frac{1}2 \bigg\lceil{\frac{n}5} \bigg\rceil \bigg\rceil\bigg) - 5 $$
which can be transformed into
$$ 3 \bigg(\bigg\lceil \frac{1}2 \bigg\lceil{\frac{n}5} \bigg\rceil \bigg\rceil - 2\bigg) + 1 $$
Why does my analysis lead to a lower-bound 1 greater than that given in CLRS?