You have misunderstood why A
stands there in the definition of list.
Let us first look at how we might define lists of booleans:
Inductive ListBool : Set :=
| nilBool : ListBool
| consBool : bool -> ListBool -> ListBool.
And here is how we might define lists of natural numbers:
Inductive ListNat : Set :=
| nilNat : ListNat
| consNat : nat -> ListNat -> ListNat.
As you can see the nilBool
and nilNat
are constants that do not depend on any parameters. It is boring to define lists of booleans, lists of natural numbers, lists of lists of booleans, etc. Coq allows a parametrized definition of lists in which the List
type itself takes a parameter A
as input, to give lists of elements of type A
. This is defined as you wrote:
Inductive List (A : Set) : Set :=
| nil : List A
| cons : A -> List A -> List A.
In the nil
clause we have List A
. Here A
is the argument to List
, it is not an argument to nil
. If we wrote just List
then Coq would ask "list of what"? For a similar reason the cons
constructor has two occurences of List A
Let me put it another way. The type of ListNat
is Set
. The type of List
is Set -> Set
. So we have to apply List
to a set before we get a list.