
I have a tetrahedron $t$ and a polyhedron $p$. $t$ is constrained such that it always shares all its vertices with $p$. I want to determine whether $t$ lies inside $p$.

I would like to add one detail to the problem in case it may contribute to the solution: $t$ is a Delaunay tetrahedron and faces of $p$ are triangular and are strongly Delaunay both with respect to vertices of $p$. A tetrahedron is Delaunay if circumsphere of its vertices contains no other vertex inside it. A face is strongly Delaunay if there exists a circumsphere containing vertices of that face on its surface but no other vertex on or inside it.

Following figures show the same problem in $2D$ space:

The original polygon $p$:

enter image description here

Delaunay triangulation of vertices of $p$:

enter image description here

Result of inside/outside test over triangles $t$(Shaded triangles are inside $p$ and rest are outside):

enter image description here

Desired result(pruning outside triangles):

enter image description here

My original problem is in 3D space so triangles $t$ in above figures translate to tetrahedrons and polygon $p$ translates to an arbitrary polyhedron $p$. I have figured out some formulations of this problem:

Formulation 1
The only parts of $t$ which can be outside $p$ are its edges and triangular faces but in general there may exist a $p$ which has edges of all outside $t$'s on its surface, so alternatively, this problem may also be formulated as to test whether for a tetrahedron $t$ there exists a face which lies outside $p$?

Formulation 2
I have another possible perspective towards this problem but lacking any formal idea:
Geometrically, if $t$ is outside then it will always be sticking on the outer surface of $p$. So if we can compute the contours(informally, the outer boundary) $C_{V}$ and $C_{V_{p}}$ such that $V=V_{t}\cup V_{p}$ and $V_t,V_p$ are sets of vertices in $t,p$ respectively, then $C_{V}=C_{V_p}$ iff $t$ lies inside $p$.

I would like to know:

  • How can I solve either of Formulation 1 or Formulation 2?
  • Or, is there any completely different approach to solve this?

I now realize that this problem can be reduced to Point in polyhedron problem. Since an outside tetrahedron $t$ will have at least one face which lies outside $p$, so any arbitrary point on that face(except its vertices,in general) will always lie outside $p$. Therefore, for each face of $t$, I need to take an arbitrary point and test if that point lies outside $p$.

From point in polygon article I came to know about Ray casting algorithm and Winding number algorithm. Ray casting is not numerically stable for cases where point lies on the surface of $p$. But numerical robustness of Winding number algorithm has not been addressed there.

Based on above, my core problem now seems to be(please suggest if it should be asked as a separate question):
Is there any numerically robust algorithm for point in polygon problem?

  • $\begingroup$ Just to clarify: 1) Can the polyhedron $p$ be non-convex, and 2) if $t$ and $p$ share a face or an edge (or part of one), does that disqualify $t$ from being "inside" of $p$? (Obviously, based on your requirements, $t$ and $p$ must be allowed to share vertices.) $\endgroup$ Commented May 31, 2014 at 17:01
  • $\begingroup$ @IlmariKaronen 1) Yes 2). No, as far as I can imagine, the only difference between inside and outside tetrahedron will be that its non-shared face/edge will lie outside if $t$ is outside $p$ and inside if $t$ is inside $p$(as I have also mentioned under Formulation 1). BTW, what do you mean by "...or part of one..."? $\endgroup$
    – Pranav
    Commented Jun 1, 2014 at 1:34
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Two coplanar faces or collinear edges might overlap only partially. This could happen even if $p$ itself has no coincident faces or edges, as long as it has more than two collinear or more than three coplanar vertices. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 1, 2014 at 1:39
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ non-convexity has the oddity that all vertices can be inside the polyhedron and yet the tetrahedron can be outside (since an edge need not lie inside as a whole). Possible algorithm, see if edges (between polyhedron and tetrahedron) can have intersections => prob that tetrahedron lies outside is great $\endgroup$
    – Nikos M.
    Commented Jun 4, 2014 at 20:36
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Have you seen the Gilbert–Johnson–Keerthi distance algorithm? You would need to decompose the polygon/polyhedron into convex shapes first (as you noted, a simplicial complex would do the job). GJK is known to be very stable and very fast. $\endgroup$
    – Pseudonym
    Commented Jan 6, 2017 at 1:55

1 Answer 1


I recently found one solution to this problem in a paper 'Robust inside-outside segmentation using generalized winding numbers' by Alec Jacobson et.al., here. It solves the problem of locating if a point is inside(or outside) an arbitrary(one with self-intersections, non-manifold, open-surfaces etc.) polygonal mesh using the notion of generalized winding number.

Problem can be solved if I compute the generalized winding number of the centroid of $t$ against the surface of $p$.

  • $\begingroup$ Point containment will not solve the problem: Picture $p$ a triangular prism with one side of ("Platonic") $t$ (slightly smaller, inside,) parallel and near to one of the triangular faces of $p$. Now subtract from $p$ a "needle tetrahedron" from the middle of that face to near one of the vertices "in the opposite face": None of $t$'s vertices is outside $p$, none of $p$'s vertices is inside $t$, yet $t$ is not inside $p$. $\endgroup$
    – greybeard
    Commented Feb 4, 2017 at 11:18

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