2QBF is the following problem: given a CNF formula $\psi$ on $2n$ variables, determine the truth value of
$$\forall x \in \{0,1\}^n . \exists y \in \{0,1\}^n . \psi(x,y).$$
Question: Is 2QBF in $P^{NP}$ (or, expected to be in $P^{NP}$, under standard conjectures)?
Motivation: If the answer were yes, it would suggest a way to solve 2QBF, using multiple invocations of a SAT solver. Given that SAT solvers are surprisingly effective on some problems, that might be of interest in situations where we need to solve 2QBF.
(2QBF is a version of QBF restricted to two alternating quantifiers. QBF is known to be PSPACE-complete, but 2QBF seems easier than QBF.)