I was asked to prove that language described by $$ L =\{ a^{2n}: n\ge1\}$$ is regular using pumping lemma. Pumping Lemma states that for regular language we can break down language described by language into $xyz$ where pumping length $p \ge 1$ such that
- $|y|>0$
- $|x.y| \le p$
- $x.y^{i}.z$ is in L for $i \ge 0$
taking pumping length $n = 3$ , my language becomes $L = \{ aaaaaa\}$ and then let $$x = aaa$$ $$y = aa$$ $$z= a$$
clearly this violates condition 2 because $|xy| > p$ where $p=3$ and it also violates condition 3 for many values of $i$ thus this language cannot be regular but in the question I was asked to prove it to be regular, am I missing something?