Let $L = \{M: M\text{ halts on only one of 1100 or 0011 or 0011 or 1000}\}$. I'm trying to determine whether $L$ is decidable.
I don't think it's even recognizable, but I'm not sure. Regardless, I think I can show it's undecidable. Suppose $L$ is decidable by machine $D$. Then we can construct machine $S$ that decides the accepting problem, i.e. $\mathrm{ACC} = \{(M,w): M\text{ accepts }w\}$, which is undecidable.
For $S$ on input $(M,w)$, construct machine $M'$ with input $x$ such that if $x \neq 1100$, then loop, and if $x = 1100$, run $M$ on $w$. If $M$ accepts, then $M'$ halts. Next, run machine $D$ on $M'$. If $M'$ halts, then $D$ accepts. Otherwise, $D$ rejects.
So, if $M$ accepts $w$, then $x=1100$ and $M'$ halts, so $D$ accepts. On the other hand, if $M$ does not accept $w$, then $M'$ loops (and does not accept anything), and $D$ rejects. But then $D$ decides $\mathrm{ACC}$, which is undecidable. Hence, $L$ is undecidable.
Am I on the right track?