I have another question with dimensionality reduction. I have a matrix $S \in R^{k \times d}$ and S is in {$- \frac{1}{\sqrt k}, \frac{1}{\sqrt k}$} and i have two vector $u,v \in R^d $.
I need to understand why $E[u'^T v' ]= u^Tv$ where $u'=Su$.
I just have a intution, that maybe i just prove the left(or right span vector), but the hint is compute $E[S^TS]$ that for me this expectation is expectation of E[ I ] that if i m wrong will be 0...
I m a bit lost with this stuff.
i m thinking to do this
$E[u^t v] = E[u^T \sum vi ]$
another question is about the interval ... using $1 /\sqrt k $ is the same if i use a -1,1 with scaled factor of $\sqrt k $?