Counting argument
The number of unlabeled binary trees of $n$ nodes is the $n^\text{th}$ Catalan number $C_n=(2n)!/(n!(n+1)!).$ For example there are 5 binary trees of 3 nodes,
o o o o o
/ / / \ \ \
o o o o o o .
/ \ / \
o o o o
Labeling these gives a factor of $n!$ on top of that, so that the number of labeled binary trees is $$\frac{(2n)!}{(n+1)!} = 2n\cdot(2n-1)\cdot \dots (n+2).$$
By contrast there are only $n!$ traversals of a tree of $n$ nodes. Since we just multiplied the former by $n!$, no traversal can therefore contain the full structure of the tree for $C_n>1$ hence $n>1.$ And this in general holds for any data structure which has more than one configuration with unlabeled nodes; you don't need to know this detail about the Catalan numbers at all, as long as you know that there are at least two unlabeled binary trees of size $n$.