
To the best of my understanding, $m \models p$ asks whether the LTL formula $p$ satisfies the LTL formula $m$. In other words, $m \to p$ is a tautology. Here are some examples of where $m \models p$ holds:

Xp |= Fp

q  |= p U q

Gq |= Fq

Of course, trying to visualise all this in you head and trying to work out if $m \models p$ holds can get very time consuming, especially if $m$ and $p$ are very long. So, I was wondering there is some tool/software/platform that can compute $m \models p$.


1 Answer 1


Yes, you can use an LTL-to-Büchi-automaton translator for this.

Let's assume that you want to check if $\psi \rightarrow \psi'$ is a valid LTL formula, i.e., every word satisfying the LTL property $\psi$ also satisfies the LTL property $\psi'$. This case is equivalent to finding out if $\psi \wedge \neg \psi'$ is satisfiable. Your $\psi \models \psi'$ notation is another way of writing this, but I would avoid it since the $\models$ relation is often defined differently in current research papers on the topic.

If we translate $\psi \wedge \neg \psi'$ to a Büchi automaton, we can easily check if its language is empty. In fact, optimizing LTL-to-Büchi translators remove states with an empty language, and hence you only need to check if the resulting automaton has no accepting state.

On example LTL-to-Büchi translator is ltl3ba. For instance, if you want to check if $\mathsf{F G }\,a$ implies $\mathsf{G F}\,a$, you can do that as follows:

./ltl3ba -f "(F G a) && !(G F a)"

Here, "-f" stands for "translate this formula that is given as a parameter".

The result is given in SPIN never claim form:

never {    /* (F G a) && !(G F a) */

There is no state ending with "_accept" in the name, which means in the SPIN never claim notation that there is no accepting state. So $(\mathsf{F G }\,a) \wedge \neg (\mathsf{G F}\,a)$ is not satisfiable.

There is also at least one LTL-to-Büchi translator with a web interface, namely the one from the SPOT framework.


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