For clarity, I attach below a concise implementation of the algorithm in Python. I understand that it checks all possible element swaps, but I don't see how that necessarily means that all possible orderings of the elements will be reached, and/or that no ordering will be duplicated.
For example, what if the elements at index 0 and 1 are swapped, then 1 and 2 are swapped? How does the algorithm guarantee this won't result in a duplicate ordering?
P = []
def permute(l, n=0):
if n == len(l):
return P.append(list(l))
for i in xrange(n, len(l)):
l[i], l[n] = l[n], l[i]
permute(l, n+1)
l[i], l[n] = l[n], l[i]
only affect areas to the right of the most recently swapped symbol. If the original list doesn't contain duplicates, this cannot produce a duplicate ordering. If the original list does contain duplicates, this algorithm clearly generates them. If Python doesn't show the duplicates, it's because the code is not what you present. $\endgroup$