While doing some digging around in the GNU implementation of the C++ standard library I came across a section in bits/hashtabe.h
that refers to a hash function "in the terminology of Tavori and Dreizin" (see below). I have tried without success to find information on these people, in the hopes of learning about their hash function -- everything points to online versions of the file that the following extract is from. Can anyone give me some information on this?
* @tparam _H1 The hash function. A unary function object with
* argument type _Key and result type size_t. Return values should
* be distributed over the entire range [0, numeric_limits<size_t>:::max()].
* @tparam _H2 The range-hashing function (in the terminology of
* Tavori and Dreizin). A binary function object whose argument
* types and result type are all size_t. Given arguments r and N,
* the return value is in the range [0, N).
* @tparam _Hash The ranged hash function (Tavori and Dreizin). A
* binary function whose argument types are _Key and size_t and
* whose result type is size_t. Given arguments k and N, the
* return value is in the range [0, N). Default: hash(k, N) =
* h2(h1(k), N). If _Hash is anything other than the default, _H1
* and _H2 are ignored.