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What is uniformity in Boolean circuits exactly?

I have two questions on Kaveh's answer to Definition of uniform boolean circuit : Kaveh mentions that the input is in unary encoding. In the definition it says the input is $1^n$, afaik $1^n$ is a ...
user206904's user avatar
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What if an $L$-complete problem has $NC^1$ circuits? More generally, what evidence is there against $NC^1=L$?

What if an $L$-complete problem has $NC^1$ circuits? More generally, what evidence is there against $NC^1=L$?
Amna Rajpoot's user avatar
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Is it known that $AC^1 \subseteq L$?

A good exercise is to show $NC^1 \subseteq L$. (According to the complexity zoo page this was first shown by Borodin, 1977.) Although the details must be checked, the proof is simple: take the $NC^1$ ...
Caleb Stanford's user avatar
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Space complexity of boolean circuit evaluation

I am given a boolean circuit of depth $D \ge \log n$ where $n$ is the input size. Given an input, I need to find an algorithm that evaluates the circuit in space $O(D)$. Now, assuming the fan in of ...
Eloo's user avatar
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Show that problem is PSPACE-complete - path in directed graph

I have a following problem: Given $n$ and graph of size $2^n$, and circuit with $2n$ input gates. Directed edge between $k$ and $l$ exists iff only and only we encode $k$ and $l$ as bits and launch ...
Haskell Fun's user avatar