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Problems with proof of NP-completness of SAT following Cooks original paper

I am currently in the process of trying to understand the original proof of NP-completeness of SAT given in the seminal paper by Cook [COOK71] and have struggled with a few of the details of the proof ...
Thomas Tappeiner's user avatar
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Is Max-2SAT with exactly 3 occurrences per variable APX-hard?

The Max-2SAT problem asks if at least k clauses of a 2CNF formula can be satisfied. The Max-2SAT(at-most-3) problem is the restriction in which every variable occurs in at most 3 clauses (counting ...
Manuel Lafond's user avatar
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The parameterized complexity of Weighted-CNF-SAT parameterized by the number of clauses

What is the parameterized complexity of Weighted-CNF-SAT, when parameterized by the number of clauses? Input: A CNF formula $\phi$ with $m$ clauses and $n$ variables, and an integer $k$. Parameter: $m$...
user3445340's user avatar
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Finding a Polynomial Time algorithm for the 3-SAT Problem

Let us consider m clauses containing 3 variables each i.e. A1,A2,A3...Am . Let the total literals in consideration be n. Then each clause : Ai = (xr $\lor$ xs $\lor$ xt) where 1 $\le$ r,s,t $\le$n and ...
Pathlessbark8's user avatar