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Circuit size of a random two to one function

Consider the set of all possible two-to-one functions that map inputs from $\{0, 1\}^{n}$ (domain) to outputs in $\{0, 1\}^{m}$ (co-domain) and let $m > n$. If I pick a function randomly from this ...
Sid Meier's user avatar
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What is $f(n)$ in $NTIME(n)\subseteq DTIME(f(n))$ if $CIRCUITSAT$ is in $P$?

If $CIRCUITSAT$ in $n$ variables and $m$ gates has an $O((nm)^c)$ algorithm for a fixed $c>0$ then $NTIME(n)\subseteq DTIME(O(f(n)))$ for large enough $f(n)$. What is the smallest $f(n)$ in $NTIME(...
VS.'s user avatar
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Is the succinct version of P-complete problems out of P?

Consider the succinct versions of the P-complete problems as a Boolean circuit which represents its input in exponential more succinct ways. Could these succinct versions are in P or out of P?
Frank Vega's user avatar
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What is the decidable language in $P/poly$ but not in $P$?

Except for the undecidable unaries I have no idea if there is anything in the gap between $P/poly$ and $P$
user6818's user avatar
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Polynomial Identity Testing Evaluating a polynomial on a circuit

Say I have a polynomial over $Q$. Let it be given in the form of arithmetic circuit family ${C_n}$. The randomised poly time algorithm evaluates the polynomial at a random point. What if the number of ...
Gaganpreet's user avatar