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Reduce CNF-SAT to decision problem

Given CNF-SAT reduce it to the following decision problem: Given n items, m groups (and for each group a set of items) and a ...
popcorn's user avatar
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Schaefer's dichotomy theorem and limits on the formula length

Schaefer's dichotomy theorem ensures than when a constraint satisfiability problem satisfies certain conditions, the problem is either in $\mathsf P$ or is $\mathsf{NP}$-hard. Suppose the following ...
rus9384's user avatar
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Complexity of the (Complete/Assign) 3-SAT problem?

A complete $k$-CNF formula on $n$ variables $(k\le n)$ is a $k$-CNF formula which contains all clauses of width $k$ or lower it implies. Let us define the (Complete/Assign) 3-SAT problem: Given $F$, a ...
Xavier Labouze's user avatar
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Computational complexity of dividing a set of constraints into a minimum number of satisfiable clusters

I am looking for the computational complexity of the following problem. Divide a given set of constraints into a minimum number of satisfiable clusters such that the constraints within the same ...
one's user avatar
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What is the complexity of the following problem?

Input: $M$ is non deterministic Turing machine that always halts in $cn^k$ moves/steps, where $c$ and $k$ are constants and $n$ is the length of the input string of $M$, $w$ is any string in $\Sigma^*$...
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Reduce the following decision problem to CNF-SAT

Input: $X$ = {$x_1$,$x_2$,$x_3$,...,$x_n$} $Y$ = {$y_1$,$y_2$,$y_3$,...,$y_m$} $k$, where, $k$ $\leq$ $m$ Output (Yes/No): Satisfying the following condition, can all the elements in set $X$ be ...
Gradient's user avatar
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How exactly does a Max 2 Sat reduce to a 3 Sat?

I've been reading this article which tries and explains how the max 2 sat problem is essentially a 3-sat problem and is NP-hard. However, if you see the article, I'm not able to understand why, after <...
gabbar0x's user avatar
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Why is SAT in NP?

I know that CNF SAT is in NP (and also NP-complete), because SAT is in NP and NP-complete. But what I don't understand is why? Is there anyone that can explain this?
user2795095's user avatar
6 votes
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Is the $k$P$k$N-3SAT problem NP-complete?

Consider the following 3-SAT variant defined over the variables $x_1,\ldots,x_n$. In the $k$P$k$N-3SAT problem each variable $x_j$, $j \in [n]$, occurs exactly $k$ times as a positive literal in $\phi$...
Juho's user avatar
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Complexity of (SAT to 3-SAT) Problem?

It is well known that any CNF formula can be transform in polynomial time into a 3-CNF formula by using new variables (see here). If using new variables is not allowed, it is not always possible (...
Xavier Labouze's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

3-SAT where variables occur equally many times as a positive literal and as a negative literal

Let $\phi$ be a 3-CNF formula over variables $x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n$. Every variable $x_i$, $i \in [n]$, occurs equally many times as a positive literal and as a negative literal in $\phi$. Is it NP-...
Juho's user avatar
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Complexity of deciding the satisfiability of a quasi-monotone CNF formula

A quasi-monotone CNF formula is a formula where each variable appears at most once as a positive literal (and any number of times as a negative literal). What is the complexity of deciding its ...
Xavier Labouze's user avatar