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How to compute the general term formula for the number of full binary tree heaps that can be formed with distinct elements?

The number of possible heaps that are full binary trees of height $h$ and can be formed with ($n = 2^h - 1$) distinct elements can be computed by recursion: $$ a_h = {2^h - 2 \choose 2^{h - 1} - 1} a_{...
Shreck Ye's user avatar
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Number of possible heaps on $\{1,...,2^h-1\}$

Let $C_h$ be the number of possible heaps for the set of keys $\{1,...,2^h-1\}$. Determine a recurrence relation for $C_h$ via the substitution method and prove it. Definition A binary tree is ordered ...
Christian Singer's user avatar
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Number of possible min heaps

The number of possible min-heaps containing each value from {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} exactly once is -------------- According to me, the answer should be 48. The first element 1 is fixed as root. The ...
Abhilash Mishra's user avatar
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The maximum number of nodes in a heap tree of degree d and depth k

The maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of depth k is defined by $2^{(k+1)}-1$, but the same rule doesn't appear to work for heap trees of different degrees. Let's say I have the following tree ...
Nicolasome's user avatar
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Using a binary heap to solve an equation

I have to find a solution for this equation: I have to find the set of solutions a, b, c, d for all possible combinations of values 1 <= x <= n. $a^5 + b^5 = c^5 + d ^ 5$ I first thought ...
JOX's user avatar
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How many different max-heaps exist for a list of n integers?

How many different max-heaps exist for a list of $n$ integers? Example: list [1, 2, 3, 4] The max-heap can be either 4 3 2 1: ...
Pratik Deoghare's user avatar