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Questions tagged [isabelle]

Isabelle is an interactive theorem prover, mostly used as Isabelle/HOL which is based on higer-order logic

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How to specify in Isabelle that there exists j in an interval

I am looking to specify something in Isabelle of the form that there exists a $j$ such that $lb < j < ub$, where $lb$ and $ub$ are lower and upper bounds. For a single condition, we can say, for ...
Gokul's user avatar
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Isabelle (rule disjE) disjunction elimination rule

Ricardo Boza's user avatar
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Difference between $\Rightarrow$, $\Longrightarrow$ and $\rightarrow$ in Isabelle/HOL?

I haven't been able to find a good explanation of how these are different and relate to each other. I know that $\to$ is part of HOL and $\Rightarrow$ and $\Longrightarrow$ part of Isabelle, but it ...
user56834's user avatar
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What are the differences between LCF's Theorem and Automath's Prop?

How are the fundamental approaches to proving theorems by LCF and Automath different? Considering their modern descendants - Isabelle for LCF and Coq for Automath, both rely on type checking to do ...
user3565552's user avatar
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How to understand quantifier without predication " ∀(λφ. (φ x m→ φ y))"?

I am reading about embedding/automation of modal logics in classical higher order logic ( and Goedels proof of God's existence is prominent ...
TomR's user avatar
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Difference between the logic and the type system of a proof assistant?

In Comparing Mathematical Provers (section 4.1), Wiedijk classifies logics and type systems of different proof assistants? I do not see what he means by type system of the assistant. He only says: A ...
user1868607's user avatar
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Naming facts exported from blocks in Isabelle/HOL

I'm using Isabelle/HOL. Isabelle exports the last fact in a block, allowing the context that contains the block to use it. Ordinarily when I generate facts, I can give them convenient names. How do ...
ConcernedCitizen's user avatar
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When can the coinduction hypothesis be used?

We can use the induction hypothesis when we are proving a property for a structure that is well-ordered. I am aware that there is a proof for this. When it comes to coinduction, I'm confused. One of ...
Russell's user avatar
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Understanding Isabelle's implementation of coinduction

I'm studying how coinduction was encoded in Isabelle. At page 7 of the attached document, the author describes how some datatypes can be encoded as initial algebras. Here is one example: Finite lists ...
user1868607's user avatar
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How did 'Isabelle' (the theorem prover) get its name?

The title says it all, but I'm curious because it isn't obvious how a theorem prover came to be named 'Isabelle'. Was it named for a person? I couldn't find out by some Google searches.
IIM's user avatar
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Proof on tree size using Isabelle

I'm trying to learn a little bit about Isabelle and proofs in general, and it's uses in Programming Language Theory. I'm following a book, "Concrete Semantics with Isabelle/HOL". I'm still in the ...
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