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Trading time for work; does this concurrency phenomenon have a name?

Recently, my girlfriend and I were trying to get out of the house, when I encountered a phenomenon which I thought might be analogous to a tradeoff in concurrent systems. Here's the real world setup. ...
lmonninger's user avatar
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Why does taking advantage of locality matter in multithreaded systems?

As we all know, when a given thread/process reaches a memory address it does not have cached, the execution will (for the most part) freeze up until said data is fetched from memory. What I don't ...
KeeganB's user avatar
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How to use Parallel Semaphores for Dining Philosophers Problem

I am in an intro to OS class and we are learning about mutual exclusion and semaphores. One classical problem we learned about was the dining philosophers problem. My professor touched on the ...
Ana Vanderwoodson's user avatar
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Can a schedule be conflict serializable but not serializable?

A schedule is called conflict serializable if it can be transformed into a serial schedule by swapping non-conflicting operations. Then, My question is: Can a schedule be conflict serializable but ...
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How can a spinlock progress when it's busy-waiting?

I read that in spinlock, process keeps on waiting for the lock continuously in a loop until it receives signal(lock) or ...
Zephyr's user avatar
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Is bounded waiting ensured in given version of Dekker's solution for critical section problem?

William Stallings discuss various step by step process in developing Dekker's algorithm in his Operating Systems book. In process, he reaches to following version of algorithm (which is incomplete as ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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example for weakly fair v.s. strongly fair scheduling in concurrency

I am having difficult time understanding the difference between weakly fair and strongly fair schedulers. Can someone provide an example and explain how they are different? for reference, here are ...
JDOdle's user avatar
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Which process comes first?

Let's say we have 3 processes: Process 1 service time 6 arrival time 0 Process 2 service time 2 arrival time 1 Process 3 service time 5 arrival time 3 We know that: after 1 time, process 2 will ...
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User level threads are transparent to the kernel?

Find whether given statement True or False? Explain. User level threads are transparent to the kernel? My attempt : False. Since, user level threads are managed by a user level library however, they ...
Mithlesh Upadhyay's user avatar
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Processes concurrency

I am getting ready for my end of year exams and I got stuck on this question. Consider the following 3-process concurrent program which uses semaphores S1, ...
Fellow Rémi's user avatar
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How can I talk about priority inversion if it's impossible to specify priority?

In the paper: Leslie Lamport: What It Means for a Concurrent Program to Satisfy a Specification: Why No One Has Specified Priority; ACM Symp Principles of Programming Languages, (POPL-12):78-83, ...
Wandering Logic's user avatar