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Questions tagged [program-correctness]

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Row Echelon Form - Java Code Correctness

I wrote some code that calculates the REF (Row Echelon Form) of a matrix in Java, and I was wondering if my final code is implementing the correct algorithm to solve for it (the code is similar to the ...
Michael Friend's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Would it be possible to run destructors when aborting a thread?

I had a discussion with a C++ developer on whether aborting a thread causes memory leaks. His opinion on how aborting a thread works was all destructors of the stack objects of the thread to abort ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
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How do I prove correctness of my algorithm that finds a pair of integers in an array that have a sum of 0?

I have designed an algorithm (up to making a pseudocode) that accepts a sorted array as input and finds in $O(n)$ time if there's a pair of elements (integers) in the array that have a sum zero. What ...
Tita's user avatar
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What is known about the possibility of making a program to validate another program for correctness?

I'm having a question inspired by exercise 14 from section 1.2.1 of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming. It's phrased in the following way: (R. W. Floyd) Prepare a computer program that ...
Rusurano's user avatar
1 vote
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Prove that the following algorithm for division and remainders of natural numbers is correct

I am currently brand new to the correctness proof method, and have stumbled upon this algorithm which I find very tricky. Prove that the following algorithm for division and remainders of natural ...
Tarik Pašić's user avatar
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loop invariant of selection sort algorithm

I am asked to write an C code Selection Sort algorithm and use loop invariant to show its correctness. ...
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How to prove program solves the problem?

I am preparing for the exam on Theory of Programming class. Now I am trying to solve the task from the sample paper: Task description starts here Given the following problem: A problem is given by ...
Joe Rakhimov's user avatar
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Could someone check my recursive program correctness proof that returns $F(x, y) \rightarrow x + y$?

For $k \in \mathbb N$, we define $Q(k)$ as follows: $Q(k): $ let $x, y \in \mathbb N$ and $x$ is a multiple of $3$ and $k = x + y$, then $FUN(x, y)$ terminates and returns $x + y$ I will prove $Q(k)$...
Tree Garen's user avatar
4 votes
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Prove correctness of the iterative algorithm

Description: Given an array nums and a value val, remove all instances of that value in-place and return the new length. Do not allocate extra space for another array, you must do this by modifying ...
CodeYogi's user avatar
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True Postcondition, with true Precondition

In my exam preparation I stumbled across the follwoing exercise regarding pre and postconditions: As far as I understood the question, we need to express some condition for p, such that if that ...
Stefan's user avatar
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What is this operator in "The Temporal Logic of Programs" Pnueli 1977?

In The Temporal Logic of Programs there is an operator first appearing on page 3 (48) under "Partial Correctness" that looks like an elongated super set symbol. What is it?
Brent's user avatar
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What is the loop invariant of the following function?

x = n; y = 0 while x >= b: x = x DIV b y = y + 1 return y This function takes in $n,b\in\mathbb{N}, n > 0, b > 1$, and returns $k\in\mathbb{N}$ ...
K Split X's user avatar
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Finding the weakest precondition and invariant of while loop

I am trying to find the weakest precondition and invariant of this while loop. I have read and am trying to understand the concept of calculating preconditions based on postconditions. I was wondering ...
Johnny's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Program Correctness, The specification

From Wikipedia: In theoretical computer science, correctness of an algorithm is asserted when it is said that the algorithm is correct with respect to a specification. But the problem is that to get ...
Maykel Jakson's user avatar
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I need help understanding how to prove partial correctness

Please help me understand how I would prove the partial correctness of the below pseudocode with respect to the following predicates: Pre: {n>=0} Post: ...
JBenzie's user avatar
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Finding a good loop invariant for a powering procedure

Consider the following algorithm for computing integer powers: ...
Jack's user avatar
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Proving correctness of a loop that calculates the sum of array

I am trying to mathematically prove that the following program is correct: ...
PsylentKnight's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does checking for correctness belong predominantly to "semantic analysis"?

Does checking for correctness belong predominantly to "semantic analysis"? Or is it reasonable to be done in earlier phases (in a compiler like construction) as well? Mainly in syntax ...
mavavilj's user avatar
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Why precondition strengtening is sound in Hoare logic

I have problem with understanding why precondition strengthening is sound rule in Hoare logic. The rule is: $$ {P \implies Q, \{Q\} C \{X\} } \over {\{P\} C \{X\}} $$ I really do not understand why ...
Trismegistos's user avatar
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Hoare logic - partial/total correctnes and strength invariant

I'm studying Hoare logic and I can't understand the relation between partial and total correctness regarding loop invariant. Suppose for example that I have the following program: ...
Fabrizio Duroni's user avatar
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Global relabeling heuristic: Push-relabel maxflow

I have a correct, working implementation of the preflow-push-relabel maxflow algorithm [2]. I am trying to implement the global relabeling update heuristic [3], but have run into some issues. I have ...
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Hoare Calculus Incorrect Assignment Axiom

I'm currently preparing for an exam and recently came across the following exercise and would like to know whether my solution would be correct. Exercise: Prove that the following axiom is not ...
Nablezen's user avatar
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Can we quantify how close a partially correct programs is to being correct?

I know that there is something called partial correctness, but I was wondering if there was a way to tell how close a semi-correct program is to a fully correct program. For example, if you had a ...
GyCn's user avatar
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Could program verification techniques prevent bugs of the genre of Heartbleed from occurring?

On the matter of the Heartbleed bug, Bruce Schneier wrote in his Crypto-Gram of 15th April: '"Catastrophic" is the right word. On the scale of 1 to 10, this is an 11.' I read several years ago that a ...
Mok-Kong Shen's user avatar
91 votes
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Formal program verification in practice

As a software engineer, I write a lot of code for industrial products. Relatively complicated stuff with classes, threads, some design efforts, but also some compromises for performance. I do a lot of ...
Frank's user avatar
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Proof of Program Correctness - Loop Invariants

I've been reading a book on using loop invariants and induction to prove program correctness. Then I came across the following program which got me thinking... Specification for ...
EggHead's user avatar
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Does this loop invariant guarantee that the variable never changes?

Suppose you have some loop and and integer k: int k = 5; for (int i = 0 ; i < N; i++) { //(*) //do something } The loop invariant at (*) is: $\{ K=k\}$ ...
Shmoopy's user avatar
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Loop Invariants as Tautologies

Would it be correct to characterize loop invariants as a type of tautology? I ask since the invariant must basically always be true, before the loop starts, before each iteration and after the loop ...
Robert S. Barnes's user avatar
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Counting Inversions Using Merge Sort

In Corman, Introduction To Algorithms, 3rd edition, question 2-4 it asks to count the number of inversions in a list of numbers in $\theta( n \lg n )$ time. He uses a modified Merge Sort to ...
Robert S. Barnes's user avatar
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Can GDB debug itself?

Can GDB be run on itself? How or why not? I see something about it But GDB might not be written in a language that it can debug?
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

Can all languages have semantic and logical errors?

I have been reading about PHP and many authors mention semantic and logical errors separately. As an example of a semantic error, they give a function called with incorrect number of parameters: this ...
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