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Questions tagged [loops]

loops with relevance to computer programming are a sequence of instructions that is continually repeated until a certain condition is reached or a condition wasn't met.

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3 answers

When do we multiply or add the time complexities of loops?

I am confused about calculating the time complexity of the following function. ...
Skaeler's user avatar
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"Consecutive statements" in Static control Part(SCoP)

Context: I was reading a research paper related to polyhedral representation(citation given in last). Got confused while trying to understand the notation by implementing them with example code. Paper ...
F.C. Akhi's user avatar
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SCoP, Iteration Domain in Polyhedral Optimization and use of Presburger arithmetic

Context: While exploring the fundamentals of polyhedral optimization and attempting to explore a connection from the input Static Control Part (SCoP) to the iteration domain from birds eye view, I am ...
F.C. Akhi's user avatar
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Loop Bounds vs. Iteration Domain in Polyhedral optimization

Context: I was reading a tutorial on polyhedral optimization. But got confused while trying to translate the iteration domain (i.e. loop bound) to set builder notation. Problem Description: A code ...
F.C. Akhi's user avatar
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Hyperplanes and loop parallelization

Is it possible for the hyperplane method for loop parallelization, to return more than one hyperplanes whose points are scheduled to be executed at the same time? In an example I studied (Shang & ...
Athanasios Margaris's user avatar
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1 answer

Iteration scheduling vs processor scheduling

In parallel programming the iteration scheduling is defined as the determination of the logical execution time for each loop iteration, while in operating systems, the processor scheduling (FCFS etc) ...
Athanasios Margaris's user avatar
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Dependency testing and parallel compilers

I currently study well known dependency testing for automatic loop parallization from parallel compilers (ZIV, SIV, MIV, Single Variable Constraint, Multiple Variable Constraint, Acyclic Test, Fourier ...
Athanasios Margaris's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

Can code "run forever" if it contains no loops?

Is it possible to write a piece of code that will run forever without using a loop?
Callum's user avatar
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Can a trie or DAWG loop?

I am looking at DAWGs, which are compressed tries, like this: It is an acyclic graph though, and I'm wondering if you are allowed to create loops or cycles in such a data structure. For example, I am ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
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1 answer

Big O analysis of a sorting algorithm that counts smaller elements

How do I prove the runtime of an algorithm with Big O notation? I don't know much about O notation, I just I know how to compare sets of functions with each other and I'm also familiar with the master ...
Tomas82's user avatar
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Time complexity for finding the number of triangles in a graph

In our class we considered the problem written in the title. The below given time complexities where simply given, but not derived or explained. Therefore I tried myself to derive them, while I using ...
imbAF's user avatar
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1 answer

Tail call optimization via translating to CPS

I am struggling to wrap my head around this compiler technique, so let's say here's my factorial function ...
hello world's user avatar
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2 answers

Can a strict right fold be implemented in a single loop?

A strict left fold is straightforward to implement as a loop, rather than with recursion: ...
Xophmeister's user avatar
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1 answer

how can I fix my SQL for loop so that the index is not out of bounds?

I want to create a table that has the following results: ...
randomuser1's user avatar
-2 votes
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What does this condition in the for loop mean?

I found a solution of exercise C-8.28 from Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (6th Edition), but I'm having trouble understanding how the for loop condition works here. ...
Tita's user avatar
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What loop invariant can be used for this loop? (Algorithm to check if a sequence is stack permutable)

I've written a function that gets a permutation and checks if that permutation can be reached using a stack from an input sequence which is <1,2,3,...,n>. (we take elements from left) For ...
Pwaol's user avatar
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3 answers

Determining Big O of a for loop nested within a while loop

I apologize if this question is a duplicate as i cannot find a similar question in this community forum, please comment the post in which this may be a duplicate of so i can update this post :) Im a ...
David Mos's user avatar
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Proving loop invariant for a possibly nonterminating while loop

I started studying through Aho, Ullman - Foundations of Computer Science as a free time exercise. In the second chapter about loop invariants and inductive proofs, there is a starred exercise. ...
meguli's user avatar
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Time complexity of this for-loop

I know, the inner loop here is O(log n). But, I get confused by the multiplication in the outer loop part. ...
John Smith's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Explicit form of Hofstadters bluediag in floop

In " Gödel, Escher, Bach" Hofstadter introduces the programming languages Bloop and Floop. Relevant here is mostly that Floop is Turing complete, while Bloop differs from Floop in one aspect:...
Vincent's user avatar
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1 answer

Time complexity when loop index is an exponent

For any $n$ and any $x$, if one implements a loop to calculate: $$\sum_{i=0}^n x^i$$ What is time complexity of said loop if we assume $x^i$ to have time complexity of $O(i)$? What confuses me is the ...
YzSun's user avatar
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2 answers

why Loop-Programm always terminates

well-known that a loop-programm in Theoretical computer science always terminates, but why do that java example not? for( ; ; ){ }
dev-sn-27's user avatar
-4 votes
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Why can't I break out of this do while loop in java?

Even though the input I type is a "Y" or "N" string, I can't break out if this while loop. Can anyone tell me why? ...
Lenard Decarpicorn's user avatar
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Rigorously show that this program outputs $2n-$ #number of ones in binary representation of $n$ stars

Given following program: while n > 0 do for i = 1 to n do print '*' n = n / 2 where $/$ is integer division as usual. We want to calculate ...
Michal Dvořák's user avatar
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2 answers

Loop Invariants: Can someone explain this concept?

I am reading Algorithms Unlocked By Tom Cormen and find this concept a little confusing. Why is it that we require loop invariants and how does it help in analyzing algorithms?
Yuv's user avatar
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Possibility of using loops instead of traps

Draw DFA for the language of all strings starting with $a$ and ending with $b$. Now what I have done is Here I used q3 as a trap. But could I do this instead? I have not used trap in the 2nd ...
Manjoy Das's user avatar
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Why is there no "traditional"-mathy way to describe the general algorithm and give a more math-friendly definition of algorithm?

Why is there no algebraic definition of algorithm besides recursive functions? If I'm wrong, what is the matheist definition of algorithm that you've ever seen in a paper and can you provide a link? ...
Daniel Donnelly's user avatar
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In C++ how does "sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0])" give the number of elements in an array? Why isn't it affected by the length of each element?

I'm playing around with C++ and was looking at how to loop through an array of unknown length. The following code was suggested and works perfectly from the little testing I've done: ...
TheArrowhead 984's user avatar
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What are advantages of "streaming" syntax in functional languages with for-yielding like Scala?

In Scala we can print list val nums = (1 to 10).toList with both ...
Dims's user avatar
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While-Programm Composition & Example

I've just learned While-Programms. In case you're not familiar with it, a W-P is inductively defined as... $x_i \leftarrow x_j+c$ (Addition for every $i,j \in \mathbb{N}$) $x_i \leftarrow x_j-c$ (...
Quotenbanane's user avatar
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Sub-matrix with minimum size of $k$ and minimum sum

We have an $n \times m$ matrix whose entries are non-negative integers and we want to find a sub-matrix whose area (number of entries) is at least $k$ such that the sum of the entries in minimal. The ...
Pegi's user avatar
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How many times whille loop will be executed when we double the value?

Consider this loop: for i = 1 to n j = i while j < n j = j + j end while end for How many times the while loop will ...
Nerwena's user avatar
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1 answer

Condition in the Dependent Loops

I'm stuck with nested for loops that are dependent on the previous loop: for (i=1; i<=n; i++) for (j=1; j<=i; j++) x = x+1 the part that is confusing ...
Brishti Basu's user avatar
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Correct terminology for $P1;P2$?

This question is about the correct terminology. Let $P1$ and $P2$ be two LOOP programs. Then $P1;P2$ is also a LOOP program, which executes $P1$ and then executes $P2$. Would this be called ...
Ski Mask's user avatar
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Understanding the simulate of an IF loop program through a LOOP program

We have the following operation $\text{IF} \ x_i =0 \ \text{THEN} \ P \ \text{END}$. I want to simulate this using a $\text{LOOP}$ program. Here is what I have: $$\text{IF} \ x_i = 0 \ \text{THEN} \ P ...
Ski Mask's user avatar
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Calculate all pairs of outer products between columns in matrix

Imagine you have a matrix m of dimension MxN What I'm trying to do is get a set of elements (of length N*(N-1)/2) of the diagonal elements (each of whose individual length would be M) of the outer ...
euler's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I find this code block's execution time t(n) and big O notation?

Hello I am a CSE student and this question was in my homework. ...
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What is loop invariant for this loop?

As far as i understand all loops have a loop invariants. My understanding is that loop invariant is an argument that is true at the beginning of the loop block as well as at the end of the loop. For ...
Oleksandr Papchenko's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

"what does the 1 to 10 mean?" FOR number ← 1 TO 10

"what does the to 10 mean?" FOR number ← 1 TO 10
felfifofum's user avatar
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1 answer

How to calcualte the Big-O complexity of the following algorithm?

I have been trying to calculate the Big-O of the following algorithm and it is coming out to be O(n^5) for me. I don't know what the correct answer is but most of my colleagues are getting O(n^3). <...
Ravish Jha's user avatar
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understanding loop invariants

I have a bit of experience with loop invariants but I'm not really clear on them. I'm trying to learn them through an Algorithm I have. ...
lexemto10's user avatar
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Complexity Values for Specific Code/Functions

(1) Assume a function $f:\mathbb{Z^+}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ that's defined in a way that utilizes, say, eight basic computations, including addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, (positive ...
u220e's user avatar
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Arbitrary depth nested for-loops without recursion

Suppose I have an array of n values I want to apply nested for-loops over to an arbitrary depth m. ...
dx_over_dt's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Do there exist coding languages where the halting problem is solvable but not trivial

Does there exist a coding language where 1. It is always possible to determine whether a computer program will halt or run forever. And 2. The answer is not always yes. (or always no) So languages ...
blademan9999's user avatar
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Calculate the number of iterations in unusual nested loop

I am trying to calculate the number of iterations of a sequence of nested loops of the form: \begin{equation} N = \sum_{j=0}^{j_T} \sum_{k=0}^{j} \sum_{l=0}^{k} \sum_{n=n_0}^{n_T} 1 \end{equation} ...
user122011's user avatar
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What is the time complexity of the following triple nested loop? Kindly solve in term of n

I want to ask that what is the time complexity of this function (triple nested loop) .Kindly analysis completely so that I can understand. ...
Ahsan Shabbir's user avatar
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What is a loop variable?

In the context of compilers, what exactly is a loop variable (if there is a standard definition)? Every read/write make up for the loop variable, or only writes make them up? Or is it writes in the ...
user9092688's user avatar
-1 votes
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Asymptotic Analysis of Nested Loops with Conditionals

I'm trying to run an analysis of a set of nested loops so that I can determine the value of variable sum after the outer loop is finished. The code is as follows: <...
bpryan's user avatar
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Difficulty in understanding this summations to analyze time complexity

I wanna know if what this link's calculation of the complexity of shell sort is true. Here's the shell sort algorithm: ...
queenjekyll's user avatar
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How many times is a for loop executed?

Consider the following code snippet: for(int i=0;i<n;i++) The question I have is: whether this loop is executed $n$ times or $(n+1)$ times? According to what ...
JANVI SHARMA's user avatar