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need to prove that $DSPACE(O(2^n)) \neq EXP$

I agree that such an $L$ exists by THT and that $L_{pad}\in \text{DTIME}(2^n),$ but from there I'm not really grasping your argument. Where is $L_{pad}\in \text{DSPACE}(O(2^n))$ (or anything about ...
Maxim Golubkov's user avatar
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Definition of semi-infinite tape Turing machine

There are several ways how the definition can go. Besides having a special symbol marking the boundary of the tape as in GKxx’s answer, some possibilities are: Define one step of the computation of ...
Emil Jeřábek's user avatar
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Definition of semi-infinite tape Turing machine

I think the definition must be attached with a definition of the language that it accepts. I come up with a definition similar to that of LBA (linear bounded automata): A semi-infinite tape Turing ...
GKxx's user avatar
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Given $(U, S_1, …, S_m, k)$ an input of Set-Cover, with $U = \{1, …, n\}$, consider an $n\times m$ matrix with $0$-$1$ coefficients, such that $A_{ij}$ represents $i\in S_j$. Consider $b$ an $n$-...
Nathaniel's user avatar
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Must an algorithm terminate to be in NPTIME?

A proper definition of $\mathsf{NP}$ (or $\mathsf{NPTIME}$, as you seem to call it) should have been given in your course. You need to check the definition to see whether it requires all branches of ...
Emil Jeřábek's user avatar
3 votes

Why does nondeterministically estimating a number have exponential time complexity?

First, Sipser was talking about a deterministic algorithm, not a non-deterministic one. Second, the machine you describe does not solve the problem $\texttt{PRIME}$, because it returns true when it ...
Nathaniel's user avatar
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Must an algorithm terminate to be in NPTIME?

Remember, NP is capturing the idea that you can check a solution in polynomial time. So in this case, if you are given a number, you can easily verify if it is a nontrivial factor of your input or not....
spaceisdarkgreen's user avatar
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Can't we model a probabilistic turing machine using deterministic turing machine?

A deterministic Turing Machine is a piece of mathematics. It has a mathematical definition. Different textbooks and different articles use slightly different definitions, but they are all very similar,...
reinierpost's user avatar
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Infinitely-taped (& "headed"!) Turing Machine: "Stronger" Than Standard

Such a machine can indeed compute every function of type $f : {0,1}* \to \{0,1\}^*$. The gist of the proof is that the transition function has domain $S \times \Sigma^\omega$, where $S$ is the (finite)...
Arno's user avatar
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Writing a Turing Machine that convers a number from binary to decimal

A mostly straightforward 3-state solution (on a 2-tape Turing machine, so if you want a single-tape TM, you still have to do something):
Emil Jeřábek's user avatar
-1 votes

Writing a Turing Machine that convers a number from binary to decimal

Wrote crappy one in simulated touring machine website :
idk21654's user avatar

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