Usually, when defining the size of a Rabin automaton, we take into consideration the automaton's index (the number of Rabin pairs) and not only the number of states. What you asked for is well-known, and here are the known lower bounds of the $NBW \to DRW$ translation. Where $NBWs$ is an abbreviation for nondeterministic Buchi word automata, and $DRWs$ is for deterministic Rabin word automata.
In 1988 Max Michel showed a lower bound of $2^{\Omega(nlogn)}$ states and index in $O(n)$.
Then, later in 1999 Christof Löding extended the result, and showed that there is no equivalent DRW with less than $2^{\Omega(nlogn)}$ states regardless of the index. Finally, in 2009, Thomas Colcombet and Konard Zdanowski, gave
a tight lower bound of $\Omega((1.64n)^n)$, for a large alphabet.