Whilst I was reading CLRS I came across this:
When TRANSPLANT replaces the subtree rooted at node u with the subtree rooted at node v, node u’s parent becomes node v’s parent, and u’s parent ends up having v as its appropriate child.
1 if u.p == NIL
2 T.root = v
3 elseif u == u.p.left
4 u.p.left = v
5 else u.p.right = v
6 if v != NIL
7 v.p = u.p
Lines 1–2 handle the case in which u is the root of T . Otherwise, u is either a left child or a right child of its parent. Lines 3–4 take care of updating u.p.left if u is a left child, and line 5 updates u.p.right if u is a right child. We allow v to be NIL, and lines 6–7 update v.p if v is non-NIL.
Why wasn't v was checked for nil value in the starting of the procedure and if it was not checked then why was it checked in line 6. If v is nil then its parent will be its original parent and u's parent will reference to v - wouldn't this cause inconsistency in tree ?
Transplant is the sub-procedure used in deletion of a node from a binary search tree. It is used in binary search tree not in RB Trees or B-Trees.
Details about the book
Edition - 3rd
Print - 2nd
PageNo - 296
). $\endgroup$TRANSPLANT
. (Suggest reviewing the title: CLRS TRANSPLANT RB(?) tree nodes: NIL check for 2nd node) $\endgroup$