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Questions tagged [communication-complexity]

Questions about the amount of communication required to compute a function whose input is distributed between two or more parties

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3 votes
0 answers

Communication complexity of testing balancedness of a Boolean polynomial

The problem I consider is the following: given the $2^n$ coefficients of a Boolean polynomial $f : \{0, 1\}^n \rightarrow \{0, 1\}$, determine if $f$ is balanced namely if the truth table of $f$ ...
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0 answers

Communication Complexity of "2-Bit"

[For context, I'm trying to work through the derivation of Lemma 2.1 (2-Bit) here, ] The '2-Bit' setup is that Alice draws a bit-string of ...
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0 answers

Why one-sided-error equality problem communication complexity is at least O(n)

I'm trying to solve an exercise from "Algorithmics for hard problems" but I have no idea how to solve it. First the definition of one-sided-error Monte Carlo algorithm is a little different ...
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1 answer

When does augmented indexing become easy?

Consider the following problem in 2-party communication complexity, where Alice sends a single message to Bob who must compute the output. Alice gets as input a bit vector $X=(x_1,...,x_N)$, for some ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to translate the problem into a Communication Matrix?

Description of the problem: Alice and Bob are both given as input the same graph and vertex $x$ and $y$ respectively. In the graph there are no self-loops and the given vertex can be the same. Prove ...
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1 answer

Nondeterministic Communication Complexity - How to Calculate it from Communication Matrix?

I have been wracking my head around the understanding on how to calculate $N_{1}(f)$ and $N_{0}(f)$ from the communication matrix. Definitions: $N_{1}(f)$ = least cost of non-deterministic protocol ...
1 vote
1 answer

Communication complexity of Dyck language

I've been reading papers on streaming algorithms and ran across the following question which I haven't been able to answer: Consider the Dyck language $Dyck(2)$ over the alphabet $A = \{(,),[,]\}$ and ...
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Understanding the proof of a property of universal relation

In the paper Tight Bounds for Lp Samplers, Finding Duplicates in Streams, and Related Problems, the authors consider the universal relation problem in 2-party communication complexity, which is ...
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2 answers

Check array in linear time with a constant space complexity

Given an array of integers I have to return true if all the elements in the array are different or all the elements are the same. Otherwise, I have to return false. E.g. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can a static pre-shared database reduce communication size?

Is the problem of communication with a pre-shared database studied? If yes, what field studies it, or which researchers work on it? Let there be two parties that want to share multiple yet-to-be-...
-3 votes
1 answer

Identify the missing number in a set given its superset

Given a set B and B’s superset A, if B is missing 1 number (let’s y) but don’t know which number it is, how to find that number? That is, B’ = B \ {y}, for some unknown element y B = A \ {x}, for ...
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0 answers

Communication complexity of index problem with large domains

In the standard definition of the Index problem in one-way 2-party communication complexity, there are two players, Alice and Bob. Alice gets a binary input vector $x$ of length $n$ and Bob gets an ...
2 votes
1 answer

The universal relation problem in communication complexity

In the universal relation $UR_n$ problem [1] of communication complexity, there are two players Alice and Bob. Alice gets a string $x \in \{0,1\}^n$, Bob gets a string $y \in \{0,1\}^n$ with the ...
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1 answer

Complexity of two-party maximum

Given function $\max\colon \{0, 1\}^{n} \times \{0, 1\}^{n} \rightarrow \{0, 1\}^{n}$ that returns the maximum of two binary $n$-vectors (interpreted as encoding numbers in the range $0,\ldots,2^n-1$),...
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0 answers

Complexity classes and "local pre-processing"

My question I have two complexity classes, $L$ and $Mod_kL$. I'm confident these classes satisfy $L\subsetneq Mod_kL$, as I'll explain below but you can take for granted for a moment. From these two ...
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1 answer

Las Vegas vs Deterministic in one-way communication complexity

I recently learned about the one-way 2-party model of communication complexity in some lecture notes. It seems that all algorithms studied in this model are either deterministic or randomized Monte ...
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1 answer

Why is the communication complexity of f on disjunction of x and y is bounded above by 2D(f)

Let f be a Boolean function on n variables. Let $DC(g)$ and $D(g)$ denote the deterministic communication complexity and the decision tree complexity of $g$. Why is the following inequality true: $$DC(...
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1 answer

About the definition of "differential privacy" in communication complexity

In the context of communication complexity I see a definition of differential privacy which isn't totally clear to me as to why it makes sense. So the two parties $A$ and $B$ draw two strings $X$ ...
4 votes
2 answers

Does O(1) communication complexity imply that a language is regular?

Let's say that we have a function $g(i,j)$, which is an arbitrary boolean-valued function over $i,j \in \{a,b\}^*$, such that $|i| = |j| = m.$ Moreover, we can also say that $g$ has communication ...
2 votes
1 answer

Deriving a lower bound on the conditional entropy, conditioned on an event

I came across Lemma 19 in Certifying Equality With Limited Interaction, which states the following for jointly distributed random variables $Z$, $W$, where $Z$ takes values in $\{0,1\}^n$, and some ...
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1 answer

Communication complexity of equality gap problem

I'm interested to know what is the biggest known $0\le \epsilon\le 1$ such that the $gap-EQUALITY$ problem that is defined by: $$f_\text{GEQ}(x,y)=\cases{1&$x=y$\\0 & $x$ and $y$ differ in at ...
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1 answer

The communication complexity of the distance between two strings

Assume that Alice and Bob are respectively given two strings $x \in \{0,1\}^n$ and $y \in \{0,1\}^n$ such that the hamming distance between $x$ and $y$ is either $> n/2+\sqrt{n}$ or $< n/2-\sqrt{...
2 votes
1 answer

The Communication Complexity of Majority, What does Bob send to Alice? Can Bob just wait for Alice's input?

I'm following along the examples in and in specifically the following text: What’s a good protocol for computing MAJORITY? The natural thing to ...
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0 answers

A communication problem about graphs

An undirected graph on $n$ vertices and $n-1$ edges $G = (V,E)$ is partitioned between two players $A$ and $B$ such that $A$ knows $(V,E_A)$, $B$ knows $(V,E_B)$ and $E_A \dot\cup E_B = E$. Initially, ...
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1 answer

Is unary machine code a concept?

Please assume for the sake of this session that humans can fluently read and understand machine languages and time isn't a problem in that regard. I, not a computer scientist, would at least theorize ...
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What is the optimal combination of transducers with limited capabilities to a more powerful transducer?

Assume we have a number of transducers with limited information processing capabilities. Are there theoretical results (proofs) on how these transducers can be combined by some sort of communication ...
1 vote
1 answer

Communication Complexity for Product Distributions

In general for the (two-party) set disjointness problem for inputs of length n, we know that the parties need to communicate $\Omega(n)$. Surprisingly, today I discovered (if I understood correctly) ...
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Decomposition of Mutual Information [closed]

I came across a book where the author uses the following property of mutual information: Let $X$,$Y$,$Z$ be arbitrary discrete random variables and let $W$ be an indicator random variable. $$ (1)\ \ ...
3 votes
1 answer

Upper bound for set disjointness under product distributions

For the set disjointness problem in the 2-party model of communication complexity, Alice is given an input $X$ and Bob is given input $Y$, $X$ and $Y$ are $n$-length bitstrings (sampled from some ...
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2 answers

Lower bound of disjointness by discrepancy?

I need to show that $Disc_\mu(Disj) \geq \frac{1}{2n+1}$ for any distribution $\mu: \{0,1\}^n \times \{0,1\}^n \to [0,1]$. Disjointness is defined as $Disj(X,Y)=\left\{ \begin{array}[ll]+1 & \...
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1 answer

Can a transcript change dependent random variables into independent variables?

Let's say $X, Y$ are dependent random variables. Can I find an example such that for a transcript $t$ conditioned on a communication protocol $\Pi=t$, the variables become independent?
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utilization of bitmap protocol

I am curious about utilization calculation in the bitmap protocol. especially if there's a difference between if only station 0 wants to broadcast(and the others doesn't) or only some other station ...
5 votes
2 answers

The Clique vs. Independent Set Problem

Suppose you have an undirected graph $G = (V, E)$, known to both Alice and Bob, Alice gets an independent set of $G$. Bob gets a Clique $B ⊆ V$. Is there any algorithm in $O(\log^2 n)$ bits that ...
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0 answers

Maximal number of parallel cellular calls with no adjacent cells in a hexagonal setting

Is it possible to find an optimization to the following theoretical case? Given is a cellular (phone) system with hexagonal cells, where the volume of transmission and the size of the cells are ...
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1 answer

Communication complexity: fooling set bound for inner product function

I am trying to prove that the fooling set method does not give a good lower bound for the communication complexity of the inner product function. Specifically, I am trying to show that the best bound ...
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1 answer

Complexity of sending an $n$-bit string

Consider a $2$-party communication model in which $A$ wish to send to $B$ an $n$-bit string. It is very easy to prove that any deterministic protocol for this problem requires $\Omega(n)$ bits to be ...
1 vote
1 answer

Randomized communication complexity of indexing

The function $\mathrm{INDEX}:\{0,1\}^n\times\{1,\dots,n\}\to \{0,1\}$ is defined as $$\mathrm{INDEX}(x,i)=x_i,$$ where $x=x_1\dots x_n$. I am looking for the randomized communication complexity of $\...
2 votes
2 answers

Lower Bounds for the Set Disjointness Problem

Consider the set disjointness problem. Alice and Bob hold n-bit strings $a$ and $b$ respectively. They would like to compute the function $$ \text{Dis}(a,b) = \begin{cases} 0 &\text{...
4 votes
1 answer

Compute the union of two sets between two endpoints minimizing communication complexity

I have two endpoints, $a$ and $b$, that can communicate through a channel. $a$ is storing a set of fixed-length strings $A = \{a_1, \ldots, a_{N_A}\}$, and $b$ is storing another set of fixed-length ...
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1 answer

Communication complexity of string matching

let us consider Alice and Bob communicate over channel bit by bit. They have one string over $\{0,1\}^{*}$. Let $x$ (uniformly at random) be the string that Bob have and $y$ be the string that Alice ...
4 votes
1 answer

The communication complexity of Hamming distance mod $4$

If Alice and Bob each have a bit string of length $n$, what is the randomized communication complexity (either one or two-way) of computing the Hamming distance mod $4$? It seems this is hard to ...
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2 answers

Protocols for "almost equality" with one-sided error

In the well-known communication task EQUALITY, Alice has a string $x$ of $n$ bits, Bob has a string $y$ of $n$ bits, and their task is to determine whether $x = y$. In the public coin model, there is ...
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1 answer

Theory of message complexity analysis of distributed systems

Inspired by this post, I thought it would be a good idea to ask an analogous question in the context of distributed systems - While most of us are familiar with the notion of Time Complexity as a ...
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1 answer

Worst known case for log rank conjecture

The log rank conjecture states that there is some universal constant $c > 0$ so that $$CC(f) = O(\log^c \text{rk}\,(M_f))$$ where $f : X \times Y \to \{0, 1\}$ is a boolean function, $CC$ denotes ...
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Combinatorial model for multiparty communication complexity

Brief introduction: In two-party communication complexity, as presented by Yao in 1979, we model protocols as binary trees whose internal nodes are labeled by either Alice or Bob, and the leaves are ...
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Direct sum non-deterministic protocol for the non-equality function

Brief introduction: Let $n \in \mathbb N$. The non-equality function, denoted $ NE : \{0,1\}^n \times \{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\} $ is defined as follows: \begin{align} \forall x,y\in \{0,1\}^n \;\;\; NE(...
5 votes
1 answer

Do correlated inputs imply existence of efficient communication protocols?

Suppose that I have 2 parties Alice and Bob. Alice gets an input $X$ and Bob gets input $Y$ where $X, Y$ are $n$-bit strings. In the classic communication complexity world, computing a function such ...
3 votes
1 answer

Randomized and Deterministic Communication Complexity of a function

I have a problem I'm trying to answer for my homework. The question is: Let $p$ be a prime number and let $GF(p)$ denote the finite field of size $p$. Suppose that A has input $x∈GF(p)$ encoded with $...
6 votes
1 answer

A Myhill-Nerode type characterization of the regular languages using fooling sets?

Ultimately, my question is whether it's possible to exactly characterize the regular languages in terms of fooling sets. To help explain my motivation for asking this, here's a quick exposition. Let $...
-1 votes
1 answer

Communication Complexity and Prefix Codes [closed]

I need an advice. There is in section "V. CONCLUDING REMARKS" of the paper [1], a term that only the autho's paper use: "PREFIX CODING COMMUNICATION". I googled the expression and the only result ...