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Hopcroft & Ullman: 1969 vs. 1979

How do the 1969 and 1979 books by Hopcroft & Ullman compare? Was the 1969 book an earlier version of the 1979 book? 1969: Formal Languages and their Relation to Automata 1979: Introduction to ...
xFioraMstr18's user avatar
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How to model grammar ambiguity

Say you have a (context-free) grammar, and you wish to mathematically model the magnitude of the ambiguity possible under this grammar, across the space of all possible** input strings. Practically, ...
matanox's user avatar
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Critical Pair Determination in Knuth Bendix

In the Knuth Bendix completion algorithm, how does one identify all the critical pairs for an abstract term rewriting system? Does one have to iterate through each rule, and then identify which pairs ...
Navvye's user avatar
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About infinite languages in RE and coRE

Let $L \in RE$. Then $L$ might be finite or infinite. I assume this is also true for $coRE$. But, if I have a language $L \notin RE$, it necessarily means that $L$ is infinite, am I correct? Also, if $...
Geo's user avatar
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How to show a language is not recursive, without using reductions?

I would like to show a language is in not recursive (not in the family $R$) without using a reduction from a language that is known to be non-recursive. In other words, its as if I am discovering the ...
Benicio Agüero's user avatar
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Proving existence of a language $L\in DTIME(n^{\log n})$ which is not in $Avg-P$

I'm struggling with the following question: Define $Avg-P$ the class of all languages $L$ for which there exists a polynomial time Turing Machine $M$ such that for every $n$, for all but $\frac{2^n}{...
newUser's user avatar
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Why full Chomsky hierarchy is so detailed, if there are decidable recursive languages?

One can have a look on the Chomsky hierarchy , especially the inset named "Automata theory: formal languages and formal grammars" at the bottom of the ...
TomR's user avatar
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Reduction from L to Htm

I'm trying to prove a problem that a friend sent me, he is saying that my solution is not good and I wanted to ask if he is correct and im wrong , and if so why? here is the questions: $L=\{<M>|...
secret's user avatar
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Efficient Algorithm To Find A Path Which Covers Maximum Area Along Polygonal Perimeter For Surveillance Application

In the context of surveillance, I am working on a project where the goal is to find an algorithm that determines a path along a polygonal area, connecting a root node to a target node, while ...
Senthil's user avatar
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Complement of a language definition

Let $A=\{$ M is a TM, $s\in \mathbb{N}$ and $\exists x\in\Sigma^*$ s.t M rejects $x$ in at most $s$ steps $\}$. I want to define its complement, so how do I negate "$\exists x\in\Sigma^*$ s.t M ...
Geo's user avatar
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Lower bound for $a^kb^k$ in one-tape TM

For the language $ L= \{a^kb^k | k \geq 0 \} $ How can i show there is no one-tape Turing Machine that can decide $L$ in less than $O(n\log n)$ time ?
Omid Yaghoubi's user avatar
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how to write a language for context-free grammar generates the empty string?

How would you write a language for a context-free grammar that generates an empty string. Is it something like E = { (G) | G is a CFG and L(G) = Ø}?
Emily Bennett's user avatar
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One-way-function based on Friedberg numberings

A one-way-function is an easy to compute function $y=f(x)$ which is hard to invert. In 2000 Levin showed an example of a function which is one-way if there are one-way functions. As far as I know, it ...
Harald Thomson's user avatar
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Proving P and NP on problems formulated as languages

To prove that a certain problem is in P we have to give an algorithm that decides or solves it in polynomial time. To prove that a problem is in NP an algorithm must exist so that it can check whether ...
MrFuzzy's user avatar