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Questions tagged [tuple-relational-calculus]

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Relational calculus: "Find all X with at least y amount of Z"

Assuming I have two relations: Supplier [ID (PK), Name, City, Country] and Item [ID (PK), Name, Department, Price, Stock, Supplier_ID (FK)] What would be the easiest way to determine the following ...
T.E.'s user avatar
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Can quantifiers be used on variables bound on the left side of the pipe in Tuple Relational Calculus?

Our professor has solved an example for us. They taught us it's incorrect to use a quantifier (exists or forall) with a variable ...
Martin Lunn's user avatar
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division expression in tuple relational calculus

Could someone please explain the expression for division in tuple relational calculus in words? I do not understand how the multiple operators (existential and universal quantifiers) are to be ...
Mia's user avatar
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Division in tuple relational calculus

$ \newcommand{\Set}[2]{% \{\, #1 \mid #2 \, \}% }$ I've been trying to find how to express relational division operation in tuple relational calculus. The only thing I found is this presentation ...
tomashauser's user avatar
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Intuition for a projection in tuple relational calculus

Let's have a relation $R = (name, surname, age)$. I want to obtain a new relation with only the $name$ attribute. In relational algebra I would simply do $\Pi_{\mathrm{name}}(R)$ but in relational ...
tomashauser's user avatar
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Tuple relational calculus: existential quantifiers

I have the following question and given answer: Question: List the names of managers who have at least one dependant. Answer: ...
pk00's user avatar
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Need help understanding the tuple relational calculus

We say that a query in a TRC is a statement of the form $\{T: P(T)\}$, where $T$ is a tuple variable and $P(T)$ is a formula. Now my question is, what are the possible tuples $T$ to be tested i.e., ...
Sepehr23's user avatar
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Whether same output is obtained for the two queries

Consider the following SQL Queries executed on the relation Employee: Employee (Eid, Ename, sal) Eid is the primary key Queries: S1:SELECT count (*) FROM Employee; S2: SELECT count (Eid) FROM ...
Abhilash Mishra's user avatar
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Is it possible to do a NULL comparison in Relational Algebra?

Please consider the following question given in a booklet: I have read about databases from Database System Concepts - by Henry F. Korth, but never saw an instance where we could do a NULL comparison ...
Manu's user avatar
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Relational calculus to SQL

I am somewhat aware of the correspondence between (tuple and domain) relational calculus, relational algebra, and SQL. To the best of my understanding, one should be able to automatically convert a ...
zpavlinovic's user avatar
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Relational calculus expression for projection (Database Management)

I recently came across this question: Let the following relation schemas be given: $R=(A,B,C)$ $S=(D,E,F)$ Let relations r(R) and s(S) be given. Give an expression in the tuple relational calculus ...
Abhilash Mishra's user avatar
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Use of existential quantifier in tuple relational calculus

It is somewhat confusing to me when to use quantifiers in tuple relational calculus (TRC). I stumbled upon following problem and I am still scratching my head thinking why not TRC query can be ...
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