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5 votes

Imperfection in randomness in VLC shuffle playlist - why?

This is just speculation, but perhaps what VLC is attempting is to simulate... perfect randomness. That is, each song is picked uniformly at random, independently of previous songs. According to the ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
4 votes

Constructing a data structure for a computer algebra system

The most straightforward approach for representing an algebraic expression is a parse tree. However, its big drawback is that it is difficult to reason about. That $xyz = zyx$ and $(xy)^2 = x^2y^2$ is ...
Gaslight Deceive Subvert's user avatar
2 votes

How much can we trust mathematical software when working with large numbers, and how much memory it needs to work with these numbers?

Question a): Here is the output from python console. ...
John L.'s user avatar
  • 39.1k
2 votes

Imperfection in randomness in VLC shuffle playlist - why?

I have a library of over two thousand songs and I've always noticed VLC's flawed shuffling system. It will play the same song every few songs, or it will prioritize songs from randomly picked folders. ...
M Airey's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote

Usefulness of Differential Geometry

If you found Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs interesting, you might like Functional Differential Geometry (It's from the same authors) . Differential geometry is deceptively simple. ...
Bhishmaraj's user avatar
1 vote

Implementing piecewise linear functions

A similar question has been asked before, that may answer your question, here. Quoting the answer: This is basically an instance of the line segment intersection problem. One standard approach is to ...
Caleb Stanford's user avatar
1 vote

How much can we trust mathematical software when working with large numbers, and how much memory it needs to work with these numbers?

Compute 4^4^4 and you will know how much pairs of bits 4^4^4^4 will require to represent.
Bulat's user avatar
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1 vote

Can we find every 216 digit number combination?

$1.0531229 \times 10^{65}$ is approximately $2^{216}$ so when you say " every possible $216$ digit number " I assume you mean every possible sequence of $216$ binary digits i.e. bits. Each sequence ...
gandalf61's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the equation for a spiral path in 3D?

I have just found this correct answer on the web (by someone else): A helix is a circle that moves up with time. Hence, the equations for one helix are: x(t) = sin t y(t) = cos t z(t) = t A ...
Job_September_2020's user avatar

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