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Definition of semi-infinite tape Turing machine

There are several ways how the definition can go. Besides having a special symbol marking the boundary of the tape as in GKxx’s answer, some possibilities are: Define one step of the computation of ...
Emil Jeřábek's user avatar
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Definition of semi-infinite tape Turing machine

I think the definition must be attached with a definition of the language that it accepts. I come up with a definition similar to that of LBA (linear bounded automata): A semi-infinite tape Turing ...
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Find an s-grammar for L={a^nb^2n : n>=2}

First, there is the problem of the empty word. For that, just consider: $S\to aaAbbbb\mid aabbbb$ $A \to aAbb \mid abb$ There is still the problem of multiple rules from the same variable beginning ...
Nathaniel's user avatar
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