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25 votes

Is it mandatory to define transitions on every possible alphabet in Deterministic Finite Automata?

Suppose a DFA was allowed to have missing transitions. What happens if you encounter a symbol which has no transtion defined for it? The result is undefined. That would seem to violate the "...
Nathan Davis's user avatar
24 votes

Why NFA is called Non-deterministic?

"Deterministic" means "if you put the system in the same situation twice, it is guaranteed to make the same choice both times". "Non-deterministic" means "not deterministic", or in other words, "if ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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19 votes

Probabilistic methods for undecidable problem

So, we have a TM $M$ that can in addition flip a fair coin. We have the promise that for every input $M$ will eventually halt and give an answer, no matter what the coin results are. Moreover, we ...
Arno's user avatar
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13 votes

Is it mandatory to define transitions on every possible alphabet in Deterministic Finite Automata?

A DFA is specified by the following data: An alphabet $\Sigma$. A set of states $Q$. An initial state $q_0 \in Q$. A set of final states $F \subseteq Q$. A transition function $\delta\colon Q \times \...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
13 votes

Incorrect proof of closure under the star operation using NFA results in the NFA recognizing undesired strings?

Consider a two state automaton for the language $a^*b$, two transitions from the initial state, one looping with label $a$, the other with label $b$ to the final state. Making the initial state final,...
Hendrik Jan's user avatar
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13 votes

Why nondeterminism?

Excellent question! Nondeterminism first appears (so it seems) in a classical paper of Rabin and Scott, Finite automata and their decision problems, in which the authors first describe finite automata ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
11 votes

$\mathsf{NL}$ versus $\mathsf{NL}[2]$

You can show that $\mathsf{NL}[2] \subseteq \mathsf{NL}$ as follows. We are given an $\mathsf{NL}[2]$ machine $M$, and we want to simulate it with an $\mathsf{NL}$ machine $M'$. The first that $M$ ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
10 votes

Does the smallest DFA equivalent to this NFA requires at least $O(2^n)$ state?

The NFA accepts strings where the fourth letter from the end is 1. Your DFA doesn't accept 11000. A DFA doesn't know how much input is left, so the property "the fourth character from the end" is ...
adrianN's user avatar
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10 votes

How does a nondeterministic Turing machine work?

Here are several ways of thinking about non-determinism (copied from this answer). The genie. Whenever the machine has a choice, a genie tells it which way to go. If the input is in the language, ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
10 votes

Why NFA is called Non-deterministic?

Take this automaton for instance, it's an NFA and it accepts the string $0110$. To be more pedantic, it accepts strings that end in $10$. To see that we just need to check whether it reaches an ...
Schonfinkel's user avatar
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9 votes

Non-deterministic Finite Automata | Sipser Example 1.16

You are confusing $\epsilon$ with a letter. It's not a letter! It's just the empty string. Let us consider a slightly more general model, "word-NFA". A word-NFA is like an NFA, but each transition is ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
8 votes

Does the smallest DFA equivalent to this NFA requires at least $O(2^n)$ state?

You can prove the lower bound on the number of states using Myhill-Nerode theory. Suppose that we are given a language $L$, in this case the language over $\{0,1\}$ of words in which the $n$th last ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
8 votes

Notation in NFA, DFA diagrams and language

You need to distinguish between three kinds of operations: Operations on numbers such as 0 and 1. $0^3 = 0$ when $0$ is taken to be a number. Here, $0^3 = 0 ⋅ 0 ⋅ 0$, where $⋅$ is integer ...
reinierpost's user avatar
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7 votes

Equivalence between alternative definitions of NP

The definition of $\text{NP}$ in terms of verification can be formally stated as follows: A language $L$ is in $\text{NP}$ if there exists a polynomial verifier for $L$ such that for every $x$: $$...
hengxin's user avatar
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7 votes

Do NPDA work in parallel?

That's not how non-determinism works, though perhaps it's how you'd simulate it in real life. Here are several ways of thinking about non-determinism. The genie. Whenever the machine has a choice, a ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
7 votes

Do NPDA work in parallel?

The difference between DPDA and NPDA is that in NPDA there may be more than one possible transition from a single state given input symbol and stack symbol, while in a DPDA there is only one ...
fade2black's user avatar
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7 votes

How does a nondeterministic Turing machine work?

The difference between deterministic and non-deterministic Turing machines lies in the transition function. In deterministic Turing machines $\delta$ the transition function is a partial function: $\...
user1868607's user avatar
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7 votes

motivation and idea of defining non-deterministic Turing machine

Could someone explain to me why we need such multiple options? I would never expect to encounter something uncertainty in the implementation of an algorithm. I think this is your primary ...
Caleb Stanford's user avatar
7 votes

Show $L = $ { w $\in (a,b) ^* $| for every u substring of w, $-5\le|u|_a−|u|_b\le5\}$ is regular

Nice question! This is a very nontrivial problem involving regular languages. First of all: no, you cannot run an automaton on every substring of a string skipping other letters, you are supposed to ...
user6530's user avatar
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7 votes

What role does the lower bound play in the statement of Savitch's Theorem?

The proof relies on the following property: the time-complexity of a decider machine is at most exponential in its space-complexity. The bound assumptions, namely $f(n)\geq \log n$, are sufficient ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
6 votes

How to prove: If $\textsf{EXP} \subseteq \textsf{P/poly} $ then $\textsf{EXP} = \Sigma^p_2$

There is a more 'elementary' proof of the problem that doesn't involve the polynomial-encoding/self-correction ideas of BFL. The result appears in the original Karp-Lipton paper and is credited to ...
Ryan O'Donnell's user avatar
6 votes

Is it mandatory to define transitions on every possible alphabet in Deterministic Finite Automata?

A DFA is often defined as a restricted type of NFA. If $\Sigma$ is the input alphabet and $Q$ is the set of states, the transition structure of an NFA is specified as either a relation $\rho \...
Fabio Somenzi's user avatar
6 votes

Understanding why ALL_nfa is in co-nspace

To show that $ALL_{\mathsf{NFA}}$ is in $\mathrm{co-NSPACE}(n)$, we must show that the complement $\overline{ALL_{\mathsf{NFA}}}$ is in $\mathrm{NSPACE}(n)$. The complement is $$\overline{ALL_{\...
Hans Hüttel's user avatar
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6 votes

Why we can't use non-deterministic turing machines in this case?

Your reasoning is not wrong. But recall that decidability requires TM machine halt with YES if $\exists w \text{ such that } w^4 \in L(G)$ or NO if $\nexists w \text{ such that }w^4 \in L(G)$. In ...
fade2black's user avatar
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6 votes

How does a nondeterministic Turing machine work?

Augmentation with a guessing module. I found this model in "Computers and Intractability" by M.R. Garey and D.S. Johnson. The NDTM has exactly the same structure as a DTM, except that it is ...
fade2black's user avatar
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6 votes

Why NFA is called Non-deterministic?

The transition function of an NFA specifies the allowed transitions at any point in time. There could be more than one option, and the NFA chooses a transition nondeterministically with the goal of ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
6 votes

What is difference between nondeterministic polynomial time and exponential time?

Every nondeterministic polynomial time algorithm can be converted to an exponential time algorithm, where exponential means $O(e^{n^C})$ for some constant $C$. The converse probably doesn't hold.
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
6 votes

Minimal number of states for an NFA of all different words

Here is a matching $\Omega(k^2)$ lower bound. Consider any NFA for your language. Let $Q_i$ be the set of states $q$ such that: There is some word $w$ of length $i$ such that the NFA could be at ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
6 votes

When converting a epsilon NFA to NFA to DFA, how to handle the start state?

There is no need to apply the $\varepsilon$-closure twice when computing transitions. There are two main ways to convert an $\varepsilon$-NFA into a NFA: the forward closure and the backward closure. ...
Nathaniel's user avatar
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