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5 votes

Why are non-deterministic Buchi automata factorially succinct when compared to deterministic Rabin Automata?

This is Theorem 1.30 in the chapter "Omega-Automata" in the book "Automata, Logics, and Infinite Games: A Guide to Current Research" edited by Erich Grädel, Wolfgang Thomas and Thomas Wilke. They have ...
DCTLib's user avatar
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5 votes

Büchi automata: accepting run vs. runs with arbitrarily many final states

Consider $\Sigma = \{0,1\}$ and $w = 1101001000100001\ldots$, i.e., there is an increasing number of zeros between two ones. Now consider the automaton with states $q_0, q_1$, and $q_A$ where $q_A$ is ...
Christian Matt's user avatar
4 votes

Büchi automaton to Linear Temporal Logic

Since Büchi automata are strictly more expressive than LTL, such a translation is not possible in the general case. For instance, the language $L = \{w_0 w_1 w_2 \ldots \in (2^{\{a\}})^\omega \mid \...
DCTLib's user avatar
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What kind of LTL formula can be represented by DBAs

You can define syntactic fragments of LTL that ensure that all properties expressible in these fragments are representable as DBAs. An example is given in the paper "A LTL Fragment for GR(1)-Synthesis"...
DCTLib's user avatar
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Minimal Deterministic Buchi Automata Product

This is only a partial answer (as I believe that the state of the art is insufficient to answer your questions completely - I am happy to be proven wrong here), but I hope that it helps you anyway. ...
DCTLib's user avatar
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3 votes

Efficient Algorithm Linear Temporal Logic to Deterministic Rabin Automata

There is a very recent tool to translate from LTL directly to deterministic Rabin automata. It can be obtained here: The page not only contains a ...
DCTLib's user avatar
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The set of all eventually periodic words is not Buchi Recognizable?

Note that every non-empty Büchi recognizable language contains at least one eventually periodic word and that the class of all Büchi recognizable languages is closed under complement. Thus, if the ...
ttnick's user avatar
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2 votes

Which language is accepted by this Muller Automaton?

The solution given is incorrect. The first clue that this might be the case is that $(a+b)^*(a+b)^\omega$ is a strange way to write anything: any finite number of $a$s and/or $b$s, followed by ...
David Richerby's user avatar
2 votes

LTL to GBA versus LTL to BA

There is no precise answer to this. The smallest GBA for a given language is never larger than the smallest BA for a given language, simply by the fact that BAs are a special case of GBAs. It is easy ...
DCTLib's user avatar
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Generalized Büchi Automata - Formal definition of a state appearing infinitely often?

The definition and example are both correct. If the automaton reads $a$ in state $2$ or reads $b$ in state $1$, then it rejects, because it has no state to go to. So, if the ...
David Richerby's user avatar
2 votes

Acceptance conditions when translating LTL to Büchi automaton?

I will start with the last question and then come to the question at the top of your post. The construction assumes that the LTL formula is given in negation normal form, so that no temporal operator ...
DCTLib's user avatar
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2 votes

Why are non-deterministic Buchi automata factorially succinct when compared to deterministic Rabin Automata?

Usually, when defining the size of a Rabin automaton, we take into consideration the automaton's index (the number of Rabin pairs) and not only the number of states. What you asked for is well-known, ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
2 votes

Buchi arithmetic meaning

The wedge sign means AND. The formula states that $\mathbf{A}x=c$ and for all $i \in I$, $V_p(x_i) = y_i$.
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
1 vote

LTL Model Checking Worst Case size for NBA

For a lower-bound, for $n\geq 1$, consider the following language over $\{0, 1, \#, \text{$\\\$$}\}$: $$ L_n = \{ \{ 0, 1, \#\}^* \cdot \#\cdot w\cdot \# \cdot \{ 0, 1, \#\}^* \cdot $ \cdot w\cdot \#^\...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
1 vote

Is the language with at least as many 0 as 1 on any prefix $\omega$ regular?

As you suspected, $L$ is not büchi recognisable/$\omega$-regular. Here is a proof. Towards a contradiction, suppose $L$ is $\omega$-regular. Then $$L= A_1B_1^\omega\cup A_2B_2^\omega\cup\cdots\cup ...
John L.'s user avatar
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Equivalence of states between two "quasi-deterministic" strongly connected Büchi automata accepting the same $\omega$-language

Your property does not hold. Consider the following languages over $\Sigma = \{a,b\}$: There are infinitely many $a$s at even positions in a word There are infinitely many $a$s at odd positions in a ...
DCTLib's user avatar
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Buchi automata in formal software verification

A Buchi automaton has a non-empty language if and only if there is an accepting lasso, i.e., a path from an initial state to some lasso starting state $s$, and a loop from $s$ to itself along which an ...
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Buchi automata in formal software verification

The fastest theoretical algorithm to solve Büchi Games in game graphs is presented in [1] and runs in $O(n^2)$: The algorithm uses a hierarchical decomposition approach. An easier folklore algorithm ...
Alexander Svozil's user avatar
1 vote

Transformation of a Product Buchi Game to a Parity Game

I will assume that by "Product Buchi game", you mean the (synchronous) product of a deterministic Buchi automaton and some kind of plant or deterministic finite automaton that represents the rules of ...
DCTLib's user avatar
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Given a regular language $U$, when does there exist $V$ such that $U^\omega$ = $\lim V$?

Consider the language $$U = U_1 \mid U_2 = a\Sigma^* \mid (\Sigma \setminus \{c\})^* b$$ for the alphabet $\Sigma = \{a,b,c,d\}$. Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a deterministic Büchi automaton for the language ...
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1 vote

Buchi Automaton G(Xa->b)

The formula states that for all $n$, if $a$ holds at time $n+1$ then $b$ holds at time $n$. If $a$ never holds then the formula is trivially true.
Yuval Filmus's user avatar

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