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Questions tagged [program-synthesis]

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Number of sentences and sentential forms generated by a grammar

In this question, I'm considering only "finite grammars". A finite grammar can only produce a finite number of distinct sentences. The following grammar is finite in my definition: ...
ihavenoidea's user avatar
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Why algebraic semantics of programming languages have died out and have not used today?

Algebraic semantics is one type of semantics that uses algebraic expressions for connecting the formal descriptions of initial and final states of some operation of some operation that is defined in ...
TomR's user avatar
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Converting Turing machine into the source code in industrial programming language?

Are there methods how to convert Turing machine (e.g. neural Turing machine or other rigorous Turing machine) into the source code/program that is written in some industrial programming language like ...
TomR's user avatar
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Program synthesis based on function properties

I am fairly new at program synthesis and the use of SMT solvers for this purpose. Given a function g, I want to generate all the functions f and h such that the following holds: f . g = h . f Are ...
user5803465's user avatar
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Why is Combinatorial Sketching for Finite programs possible?

I was reading Combinatorial Sketching for Finite Programs and wanted to understand why synthesis of the sketching language was possible/feasible. As far as I understand a partial program is ...
Charlie Parker's user avatar
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Good pointers to learn foundations of Program induction and Program synthesis

I was interested in learning more about program induction and program synthesis. I was especially interested in learning about how to form program from data for example. My background is in ...
Charlie Parker's user avatar
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Use of Mizar for algorithm specification and automatic analysis and discovery of algorithms?

Is it possible to use Mizar Mathematical Library for the specification of algorithms at the same detalization level as the implementation of the algorithm in industrial programming language? Mizar ...
TomR's user avatar
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Are there any examples of programming synthesis in vulnerability research?

Program Synthesis To borrow from Microsoft: Program synthesis is the task of automatically discovering an executable piece of code given user intent expressed using various forms of constraints ...
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