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42 votes

Why are mathematical proofs so hard?

I feel like i am memorizing the proofs rather than learn how to prove You can't learn "how to prove". "Proving" is not a mechanical process, but rather a creative one where you ...
Tom van der Zanden's user avatar
18 votes

What is induction-induction?

Supplemental 2016-10-03: I mixed up induction-induction and induction-recursion (not the first time I did that!). My apologies for the mess. I updated the answer to cover both. I find the ...
Andrej Bauer's user avatar
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12 votes

Why are mathematical proofs so hard?

As other authors have mentioned, partly because proofs are inherently hard, but also partly because of the cold fact that proofs are not written for the purpose of teaching, even in most textbooks. ...
apen's user avatar
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11 votes

Why are mathematical proofs so hard?

I can certainly recommend the book of G. Polya's, How to Solve It. It is a standard classic, not to be missed. There is a newer book How to Read and Do Proofs: An Introduction to Mathematical Thought ...
Elliot's user avatar
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6 votes

How does one know what statements in Coq require Induction?

Coq allows one to prove mathematical theorems in a completely formal way. At first, this copes with our experience of doing maths, which is far more informal. Most of the time, people doing maths are ...
chi's user avatar
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5 votes

How does one know what statements in Coq require Induction?

As the others have mentioned, in Coq's standard library (or typical presentations of naturals in Coq), naturals are defined inductively, usually a la Peano. We could make other choices, e.g. one could ...
Derek Elkins left SE's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a fully combinatorial version of MLTT without lambda abstraction?

You need a termination checker to translate recursive pattern-matching definitions into corresponding uses of eliminators (recursion/induction principles). This has nothing to do with $\lambda$-...
Naïm Favier's user avatar
4 votes

How to use structural induction to prove law on lists

You'll want a helper lemma to make this endeavor more digestible. Notations for map and subs: I'm going to condense the ...
Lee's user avatar
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4 votes

Prove that the number of full nodes plus one is qual to the number of leaves in a nonempty binary tree

Well, an induction proof consists of a base case and an induction step. For trees that is usually structural induction, based on inductive ways trees are built. The base case considers the smallest ...
Hendrik Jan's user avatar
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4 votes

Proving property of a term using Induction

A term is defined recursively. You can do induction on recursive types, using structural induction. For instance, suppose we say that a term is something of the form $c$ (a constant), or $t_1+t_2$, ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Induction rules for reflexive, transitive closure

Here's a fully formal articulation in the language of Agda. First, inductive rules correspond to indexed families. ...
Derek Elkins left SE's user avatar
4 votes

Why does the denotational semantics for a while loop have a existence quantifier?

The existential quantifier is misplaced. This is due to lack of reasonable notation for what needs to be expressed, namely: "if there is $i$ safisfying condition $C$, then use that $i$", where we make ...
Andrej Bauer's user avatar
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4 votes

Induction to prove equivalence of a recursive and iterative algorithm for Towers of Hanoi

Let's start with reformulating the two solutions, following Wikipedia. We use A for the source peg, B for the auxiliary peg, and C for the destination peg. Recursive algorithm If $n > 1$, ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
4 votes

Which inductive schemes can encode the following Agda definition?

No scheme that I know of directly encodes that type. Sometimes it's called a "nested" inductive definition. The complication here is that Maybe and ...
András Kovács's user avatar
4 votes

When can the coinduction hypothesis be used?

First, let me recall least and greatest fixed points for $\subseteq$. We are working relative to some set $U$, the universe. In the case of (co)inductive definitions, $U$ is the set of all terms. A ...
kne's user avatar
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4 votes

Why are mathematical proofs so hard?

I like Tom's answer: there's no magic bullet but you just need to continue doing exercises and gradually you will develop a better intuition and know how to attack a problem. As for resources, you ...
Juho's user avatar
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4 votes

Why are mathematical proofs so hard?

Why are mathematical proofs so hard?... I have to learn data structures and algorithms, My guess is you'll also want to learn about algorithms' space and time complexity, as quantified in big O ...
J.G.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Is this graph Hamiltonian?

The complete digraph of $n$ nodes, $K_n$ has $n(n-1)$ edges. Describe a digraph of $n$ nodes with $n(n-1)-\delta$ edges as a digraph "with $\delta$ edges removed". A proof by induction The ...
John L.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Induction rules for reflexive, transitive closure

No. Induction rules for this case look like this: Let $P$ be some property of relations on $A$ (you already know some examples of such properties: symmetry, transitivity, etc.). To show that $P(\...
Alexey Romanov's user avatar
3 votes

Can you apply the induction hypothesis to its outcome?

As stated, the reasoning does not make much sense to me. You claim that, in your specific case, you have $a < b \wedge P(a) \Longrightarrow \exists c < b$ $P(a) \wedge P(b) \Longrightarrow P(b)...
chi's user avatar
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3 votes

Is structural induction on terms applicable when a function is involved?

You probably shouldn't write $\cfrac{\phi(t)\Downarrow \phi(u)}{t\Downarrow u}$ for "For any terms $t,u$, $\phi(t)\Downarrow \phi(u)$ implies $t\Downarrow u$". I'll take a concrete example: Terms are ...
xavierm02's user avatar
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3 votes

How to find whether a grammar's language is finite or infinite?

I recall from the 1960's a technique for at least some classes of formal grammars for finding cycles (loops generating an infinite language ) in a grammar. A Boolean matrix is created for all ...
I recall from the 1960's's user avatar
3 votes

Proof of correctness of algorithms (induction)

how do I include the if else statement in the proof? In this example, the if statement describes the basic case and the ...
hengxin's user avatar
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3 votes

Induction on typing derivation in refinement types system

It's a form of structural induction. As we see on page 12 of the text, the typing relation is defined inductively by four rules. For example, the rule abs says that given a deduction $\Gamma, x:r \...
Daniel Mroz's user avatar
3 votes

How to prove even with structural induction, for expression

To prove a property p by structural induction on your E, one has to prove p(zero) ...
chi's user avatar
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3 votes

Why does the denotational semantics for a while loop have a existence quantifier?

The intuition is that the loop terminates at the $i$th iteration if the loop condition is false at that iteration but true at all earlier ones. If the loop condition is never false, then the loop ...
David Richerby's user avatar
3 votes

How does one know what statements in Coq require Induction?

To see how you can prove something about natural numbers, you must know what you know about natural numbers. Usually, we learn all sorts of 'basic facts' about numbers in high school that are pretty ...
Discrete lizard's user avatar
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3 votes

How does one know what statements in Coq require Induction?

I want to share my own experience of learning Coq and theorem proving in general. Most of the time, the proof of a statement largely depends on the recursive structure of the function or operation at ...
Bubbler's user avatar
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3 votes

Deriving recursive definition from function specification

Your notation and understanding are pretty good. It is easier to consider (xs:x) as the inductive case instead of (x:xs) \...
John L.'s user avatar
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3 votes

on coq: Why is the proof complete after proving only for one induction when we have more than one variable?

You do not have to prove things by induction. For example, you can prove $\forall n : \mathbb{N} \,.\, n = n$ without induction by applying reflexivity. In your proof, we use induction on $a$, but ...
Andrej Bauer's user avatar
  • 31.2k

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