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Complexity of identifying "generic & distinguishable" Moore machines

Consider a non-deterministic Moore machine with input alphabet $\Sigma \newcommand\OO{\mathcal{O}} \newcommand\o{\mathfrak{o}} \newcommand\PP{\mathcal{P}}$ and output alphabet $\OO$, a set of states $...
Yegreg's user avatar
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Is $\text{logCLIQUE}\in \texttt{NSPACE($\log^2(n)$)}$?

I inspired by this question, $$\text{logCLIQUE}=\{\langle G\rangle:\text{G=(V,E) contains a clique of size $\log(|V|)$}\}.$$ Here $G$ is an undirected graph and it can be assumed that the number of ...
Beduin's user avatar
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How can one say solving one np-complete problem in polynomial proves that all np-complete problems can be solved in p?

I keep reading that we don’t know if p=np or if p!=np , but what is the basis for this universality? This question is derived from this statement from the book Introduction to algorithms, third ...
Roon's user avatar
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Will this proof method work for p vs np

Given, that NP is the class of all problems that a non-deterministic Turing machine can solve in polynomial time, and proving P = NP will prove that there is no difference between a non-deterministic ...
Aditya Mishra's user avatar
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What role does the lower bound play in the statement of Savitch's Theorem?

Savitch's Theorem states that $\text{NSPACE}\left(f\left(n\right)\right) \subseteq \text{DSPACE}\left(\left(f\left(n\right)\right)^2\right)$ for any function $f\in \Omega (\log(n))$. I don't ...
Katelyn Hooper's user avatar
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Graph with an exponential number of paths

I am looking at the language $F$ containing all $G,v_0,v_1$ s.t.: $G$ is undirected $G=(V,E)$ $v_0,v_1\in V$ $|V|=n$ There are $2^n$ paths between $v_0$ and $v_1$ I would like to prove that $F\notin ...
Benicio Agüero's user avatar
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Equivalent definition of a PTNDTM?

$NP$ is the class of problems with a polynomial time non-deterministic turing machine which can determine whether an input is in a certain language or not. It can be seen as polynomial time ...
Benicio Agüero's user avatar
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$\mathsf{NP}$ vs. $\mathsf{coNP}$ and sparse sets

Consider the following statement: If there exists a sparse set of negative (the ones whose answer is no) instances $I$ such that for every negative instance $a$ ...
rus9384's user avatar
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Is the set of languages with verifiers running in polynomial time equal to the set of languages decidable by an NTM running in polynomial time?

I have seen two definitions for the set $NP$. One is that it is the set of languages decidable by a nondeterministic Turing machine (NTM) running in polynomial time, and the other is that it is the ...
Wisdom Iwueze's user avatar
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How to construct complement of NFA universality?

Given an input NFA, can one construct an NFA that is universal (that is, accepts all its inputs) if and only if, the input NFA isn't universal? I tried to use the fact that NFA-universality is PSPACE-...
NooneAtAll3's user avatar
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Given a complexity class C for problems which can be solved using exponential time and an exponential number of random bits. C ⊆ NEXP?

There must be a complexity class C that includes exactly the problems that can be solved in exponential time and having access to a truly random coin (which in turns implies that you will be able to ...
Alonso Montero's user avatar
10 votes
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Probabilistic methods for undecidable problem

An undecidable problem is a decision problem proven to be impossible to construct an algorithm that always leads to a correct yes-or-no answer. I wonder if there are examples of probabilistic ...
Student's user avatar
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Exact formulation of definition of $NP$, in relation to $R$

One definition for $P$ is the set of all languages that have a deterministic turing machine $M$ s.t. if $x\in A$ the machine accepts in polynomial time and otherwise it rejects, also in polynomial ...
Benicio Agüero's user avatar
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A small issue regarding the proof of Savitch's Theorem

Savitch's Theorem states that $NSPACE\left( f \left( n \right)\right) \subseteq DSPACE\left( \left( f \left(n \right) \right)^2 \right)$ for any $f\left(n \right) \in \Omega \left( \log{n} \right)$. ...
Benicio Agüero's user avatar
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Implications of Savitch's theorem

I'm trying to figure out if the following statements are true: • Savitch’s theorem implies that $NSpace(\log n)$ = $DSpace(\log n)$. • Savitch’s theorem implies that $NSpace(n^2)$ = $DSpace(n^4)$. • ...
SVMteamsTool's user avatar
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If P = NP then EXP^P = NEXP^NP?

I believe that if P = NP, then that would imply EXP = NEXP (because of the padding argument), and then EXP^P = NEXP^NP (we could replace EXP with NEXP since they are equal, and replace P with NP, ...
Alonso Montero's user avatar
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Confused about the concept of deciding in nondeterministic Turing machines

I read this discussion before. However i’m still confused. I used to think a language decided by a NTM if for every input $w$ in $\Sigma^*$, all of the branches in computation tree leads to a halting ...
Omid Yaghoubi's user avatar
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If a problem is Cook-reducible to a problem in NEXP, is it in NEXP too?

I get why that would be true for EXP but cannot extend the argument to NEXP.
user453758's user avatar
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Number of queries for $NP^{NP}$

So a few days ago my lecturer told us that for every nondeterministic polynomial time oracle machine $M$, there is a nondeterministic polynomial time oracle machine $N$ that gives us $L(N^{3-SAT}) = L(...
CSDude101's user avatar
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Counting strongly connected components in a directed graph in $NL$

Define $K\_SCC = \{ \langle G, k \rangle \,:\, G \text{ has at least $k$ strongly connected components} \}$ I want to show that $K\_SCC \in NSPACE(\log n)$, using that $st-CONN$ and $\overline{st-CONN}...
Dan's user avatar
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Is there distinction between $(C/poly)\cap(coC/poly)$ and $(C\cap coC)/poly$?

Let $C$ be an uniform complexity class for example $NL$ or $NP$. Is there distinction between $(C/poly)\cap(coC/poly)$ and $(C\cap coC)/poly$?
Turbo's user avatar
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Are there more succint algorithm for translating NFA's to DFA's?

When translating an NFA to its deterministic equivalent, we get an exponential blowup due to the powerset construction method. I tried to search but couldn't find an appropriate question regarding ...
Algebruh's user avatar
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Polynomial time verification of Graph Isomorphism problem

Using guess and check method, for two given graphs with the same number of nodes, a NTM selects a permutation of the node set and then checks if the edges are preserved. The nondeterministic selection ...
user766787's user avatar
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What is the relationship between the number of transition rules for an NDTM and the resulting number of computational branches?

How can an NDTM have a growing number of branches as you feed larger and larger inputs with only finite number of transition rules specified--ie what is the relationship between the number of branches ...
DeeDee's user avatar
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Is $NSPACE(S(n)) \subseteq DSPACE(S(n))$ if $S(n)$ is time-constructible?

I read from Savitch's theorem that given a fully space-constructible function $S(n)$, we have $$ NSPACE(S(n)) \subseteq DSPACE(S(n)^2) $$ Am wondering, what happens if $S(n)$ is fully time-...
Link L's user avatar
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State complexity of converting epsilon-NFAs to NFAs without epsilon transitions

I am well-aware of the result showing that one can convert an epsilon-NFA (that is, an NFA with epsilon transitions) $A$ to an NFA without epsilon transitions $A'$, where $L(A) = L(A')$. Is there a ...
user121787's user avatar
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If anything can be verified efficiently, must it be solvable efficiently on a Non-Deterministic machine?

Suppose, I wanted to verify the solution to $2$^$3$. Which is $8$. The $powers~of~2$ have only one 1-bit at the start of the binary-string. Verify Solution Efficently ...
Dingle Berry's user avatar
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Is $L \subset 1NL$ when $L \neq NL$? [closed]

A log-space Turing machine has a read-only input tape, a write-only output tape and uses at most $O(\log n)$ space in its read-write work tapes. The classes $L$ and $NL$ contain those languages which ...
Frank Vega's user avatar
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What is $f(n)$ in $NTIME(n)\subseteq DTIME(f(n))$ if $CIRCUITSAT$ is in $P$?

If $CIRCUITSAT$ in $n$ variables and $m$ gates has an $O((nm)^c)$ algorithm for a fixed $c>0$ then $NTIME(n)\subseteq DTIME(O(f(n)))$ for large enough $f(n)$. What is the smallest $f(n)$ in $NTIME(...
VS.'s user avatar
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How to prove Exact cover problem is NP Complete using Vertex Cover problem?

Using reduction theorem in NP, we want to prove that Exact cover is NPC by reducing it from Vertex Cover Problem. It is easy to derive it from SAT, but we can't find a solution yet to derive it from ...
fliptrail's user avatar
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TQBF PSPACE-COMPLETE : Why this algorithm is exponential but Savitch's not?

So this is a question pertaining to the proof for $PSPACE-COMPLETE$ (for TQBF for example). The idea is to first prove the $L$ $is$ $PSPACE$(easy part) and next is to prove $PSPACE-COMPLETE$. The ...
Prithi's user avatar
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Why is the run time of an $f(n)$ space decider bounded by $2^{O(f(n))}$?

In the proof of Savitch's theorem from the 3rd edition of Sipser's Intro to Theory of Computation, Sipser claims that the maximum time that an $ f(n) $ space nondeterministic Turing machine that halts ...
Johnny's user avatar
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How to adapt proof of the ND time hierarchy theorem for alternate definition of NDTM?

For reference, the version of the nondeterministic time hierarchy theorem in question is this one: The relevant portion of the proof in question (also from Arora-Barak) is here: Arora-Barak define a ...
Johnny's user avatar
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NL problem? $CONN$= {$〈G,k〉$ ∶$G$ is undirected graph with at least k connected components}

Consider the following decision problems: $CONN$= {$〈G,k〉$ ∶ $G$ is undirected graph with at least $k$ connected components} $E-CONN$= {$〈G,k〉$ ∶ $G$ is undirected graph with exactly $k$ connected ...
LioH's user avatar
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If NP is a subset of DTIME[n^O(log n)] then what happens?

If $\mathsf{NP}\subseteq \mathsf{DTIME}[n^{O(\log n)}]$ then what happens? Does it imply $\mathsf{NP}\neq \mathsf{EXP}$? Is there any other consequences such as $\mathsf{BPP}\neq \mathsf{EXP}$? Does ...
Turbo's user avatar
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In certificate view of NL can we force the guesses to be in some format like $a^n b^n c^n d^n$?

In certificate view of NL the size of our guess can be polynomial.Can this guesses be like $a^n b^n c^n d^n$. Can we force the guesses to be in some format? I think it(the format) can be in regex ...
Mohsen Ghorbani's user avatar
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How to prove existence of the language

Consider such question: (Prove or disprove) There exists a language in $TIME(2^{n^2})$ that is not in $NTIME(n)$. I guess that answer is yes because $TIME(2^{n^2})$ and $NTIME(n)$ are totally ...
Kenenbek Arzymatov's user avatar
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Is this language NP Hard?

$L=\{$$($$m$,$w$,$n$$)$| $m$ is an encoding of a non-deterministic Turing machine, $w$ is any word/string in the closure of alphabet, i.e. $w\in\Sigma^*$, $n$ is any positive integer, i.e. $n\in\Bbb{Z}...
user88250's user avatar
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Questions on Sipser's NP implying verifiability?

I've revisited trying to understand the proof to why NTM exists iff there is a verifier. I think I'm finally understanding the proof but I want to make sure and thus have some questions as follow up ...
rb612's user avatar
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Is there a method to compress all data without loss (lossless compression)?

I know that the answer is no but I'm not sure why. Here's where I started. We know that all data with length $n$ Bits and minimum $1$ Bit can be compressed, either lossless or lossy. But how do I ...
Ski Mask's user avatar
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show doubly connected graph is NL complete

The question:A directed graph is doubly connected if every two vertices are connected by a directed path in each direction. Let DCG = {| G is a doubly connected graph} Prove that DCG is NL-complete. (...
daniel's user avatar
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Implications of $NL=P$

What would be some implications of $NL$$=P$? Would it be possible to get recommendations on good sources/papers I can read to learn more about this? Thank you
user86212's user avatar
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Why nondeterminism?

Theory of computation often involves nondeterministic models of computation. Some examples include nondeterministic finite automata (NFAs), nondeterministic pushdown automata (PDAs), and ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
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If all computations of non deterministic Turing machine on the input string are all accept then is the boolean formula of them a tautology?

If M is non deterministic Turing machine and w is any string then $\Phi_{M,w}$ is satisfiable if and only if M accepts w according to Cook and Levin (1971). By the definition of non deterministic ...
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How about boolean formula that is satisfied on every reject path and falsified on every accept path of non deterministic Turing machine? [duplicate]

Cook-Levin reduction is both deterministic polynomial time and parsimonious and that's mean that from every non deterministic Turing machine $M$ and string $w$ it is possible in polynomial time ...
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Relating accepting/rejecting paths to satisfying/falsifying assignments in (Cook, 1971)

I read The Complexity of Theorem-Proving Procedures by Stephen A. Cook (1971). Cook explains how to create a boolean formula $\Phi$ from $(M,w)$, where $M$ is a non-deterministic Turing machine that ...
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Does polynomial time reduction from CNFFAL to CNFSAT is also polynomial time reduction from CNFSAT to CNFFAL?

CNFSAT is the language of all strings that are encoding of satisfiable boolean formula in conjunctive normal form while CNFFAL is the language of all strings that are encoding of falsifiable boolean ...
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On $NP=\Sigma_2^P$ from non-deterministic time?

We know $NP=\bigcup_{k\in\Bbb N}NTIME(n^k)$ and $\Sigma_2^P=NP^{NP}$. Does $\Sigma_2^P\subseteq\bigcup_{k\in\Bbb N}NTIME(n^k)$ also hold (we can do $O(n^k)$ queries to $NP$ oracle which runs in non-...
Turbo's user avatar
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On $UP$, $NP$, $\oplus P$ and $PP$?

We know $UP\subseteq NP\subseteq PP$. Is $UP^{\oplus P}\subseteq NP^{\oplus P}\subseteq PP^{\oplus P}$? I think the first $UP^{\oplus P}\subseteq NP^{\oplus P}$ is straightforward since whatever ...
Turbo's user avatar
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$U = \{ \langle M, x, \#^{t} \rangle \vert M $ is a NTM that accepts $x$ within $t$ steps on some branch$\}$ is NP complete

I'm trying to prove $U = \{ \langle M, x, \#^{t} \rangle \vert M $ is a NTM that accepts $x$ within $t$ steps on some branch$\}$ is NP-complete. Showing it is NP is trivial. NP-hardness is the hard ...
user308485's user avatar