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Any Natural Problems shown Easy by Reduction to Horn SAT?

To show that a problem is polynomial-time solvable, an often-successful technique is to reduce it to 2SAT (that is the problem of deciding satisfiability of CNF formulas with every clause containing ...
Dominik Peters's user avatar
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relationship between SAT and Min-ones SAT

If SAT can be decided in polynomial time, is it clear that Min-ones SAT can be decided in polynomial time? The idea I had was to take a poly decider of SAT and try it on a formula OR'd with all ...
Drew Brady's user avatar
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"Balancing" positive and negative literals in 2-sat

I saw in an answer to this post that it is possible to construct 3-sat clauses with extra variables such that the number of positive and negative literals for each variable are equal. Does anyone ...
Ari's user avatar
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Satisfiability of a boolean formula with two occurrences of each variable with a special ordering

I am interested in the complexity of a special case of the boolean satisfiability problem: We are given a boolean formula, consisting only of the logical operators $\land$ and $\lor$ (that can be ...
SimonNW's user avatar
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Problems with proof of NP-completness of SAT following Cooks original paper

I am currently in the process of trying to understand the original proof of NP-completeness of SAT given in the seminal paper by Cook [COOK71] and have struggled with a few of the details of the proof ...
Thomas Tappeiner's user avatar
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Reductions from 3-SAT that won't work directly from SAT

Our prof talked about why it's good to know that 3-SAT is NP-complete because it's easier to craft reductions from it than from plain SAT. However, all the examples we've seen (reduction to ...
No one's user avatar
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Non-trivial reduction form SAT to $3$-SAT

Looking for any idea for reduction from $SAT \leq 3-SAT$ where $SAT$ is known to have $d$ variables at most in each clause. I am looking for a reduction in which the resulting formula will not depend ...
Dan D-man's user avatar
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Under ETH: $\exists$ Problem unsolvable in $2^{o(n)}$ $\Leftrightarrow^?$ 3-SAT can be represented in linear bits

It is a popular open question if there is a problem unsolvable in $2^{o(n)}$ on inputs with $n$ bits, assuming ETH. I recommend reading that question first. That question states that, assuming the ETH ...
Albert Hendriks's user avatar
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Reducing Dominant Set Problem to SAT

I am trying to solve a problem and I am really struggling, I would appreciate any help. Given a graph $G$ and an integer $k$ , recognize whether $G$ contains dominating set $X$ with no more than $k$ ...
Joey's user avatar
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Class of languages recognizable by n-bit formulas of size at most $T(n)$

A Boolean (combinatoiral) circuit is a labeled (with the labels: AND, OR, NOT, IN, OUT), directed, acyclic graph, that satisfies: fan-in=2 for the AND and OR nodes fan-n=1 for the NOT nodes fan-...
Dudi Frid's user avatar
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Inapproximability result for a special version of 1-in-kSAT

Max 1-in-kSAT is the following maximisation problem : Given $n$ variables $x_1,\dots,x_n$, and $m$ clauses $C_1, \dots, C_m$, find a valuation such that the number of clauses satisfied by exactly one ...
Mathieu Mari's user avatar
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Why does the proof that #SAT is in IP stop after m rounds?

I've been struggling to understand why the interactive proof for #SAT stops after only $m$ rounds, where $m$ is the number of variables in the formula $\phi$. I understand that two polynomials of ...
user2756154's user avatar
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Is Max-2SAT with exactly 3 occurrences per variable APX-hard?

The Max-2SAT problem asks if at least k clauses of a 2CNF formula can be satisfied. The Max-2SAT(at-most-3) problem is the restriction in which every variable occurs in at most 3 clauses (counting ...
Manuel Lafond's user avatar
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Are there any SAT outside of $\mathsf{RP}$ variants that are solvable in quasipolynomial time?

It's possible to construct SAT problems that are solvable in quasipolynomial time, but they are also solvable in polylogarithmic space. Consider, for example, the following problem: Let a set $S$ ...
rus9384's user avatar
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Why weakening rule doesn't increase the size of resolution refutation?

I am studying the complexity of SAT resolution refutation. There is a useful tool named weakening rule The weakening rule: B -->B ∨ C says that from a clause B we can derive the weaker clause B ∨ ...
Jxb's user avatar
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Restricted Planar 3-SAT NP-hard

As we all know, 3-SAT is NP-hard. Two of the less known results are that Planar 3-SAT is NP-hard and also a 'restricted' 3-SAT, where any literal appears in at most two clauses turns out to be NP-hard....
Freshman's Dream's user avatar
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Can these variants of SAT/Tautology be actually pretty simple?

There are 8 (very similiar) languages I'd like to discuss here: CNF SAT DNF SAT CNF No-SAT (Existence of a false assignment) DNF No-SAT CNF Tautology DNF Tautology CNF Contradiction DNF Contradiction ...
Benicio Agüero's user avatar
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Reduction between Parity-SAT and approximate counting

Consider two problems as defined here. Approximate counting: Given a Boolean function $f(x)$, for $x \in \{0, 1\}^{n}$, distinguish between the two cases: The number of satisfying assignments for $f(...
Sid Meier's user avatar
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Different definitions of Exponential Time Hypothesis

I am reading basics of Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH). There are two statements for it: Statement 1 There exists no $2^{o(n)}$ algorithm for $3$-SAT, where $n$ is the number of variables. Statement ...
advocateofnone's user avatar
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Is the solution to Independent Set or Vertex Cover from 3-SAT optimum?

There are plenty of resources online discussing 3-SAT reductions to Independent Set or Vertex Cover problem. I am unable to find a resource which states that a satisfiable assignment to 3-SAT results ...
pg2455's user avatar
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Correct implication for 3SAT from this theorem?

Theorem. Let none of the assignments of length $\log n$ make a set of unsatisfiable 2-clauses. Then formula is satisfiable. $n$ is input length here. Let we name an assignment that make the formula ...
rus9384's user avatar
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How to reduce MaxUNSAT to MaxSAT in a (almost) direct way?

In question How to reduce MaxUNSAT to MaxSAT? I was asking, how to reduce the MaxUNSAT problem to MaxSAT. With help of the given answer I could give a polynomial reduction : $MaxUNSAT \leq ...
John Threepwood's user avatar
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Does $\mathsf{NC_1\subsetneq NC}$ imply $\mathsf{NP\neq coNP}$?

Any $\mathsf{NC}$ circuit could be presented in SAT form via Tseytin transform. This applies in the reverse too: an arbitrary SAT instance could encode any $\mathsf{NC}$ circuit. Now, Frege proof ...
rus9384's user avatar
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The parameterized complexity of Weighted-CNF-SAT parameterized by the number of clauses

What is the parameterized complexity of Weighted-CNF-SAT, when parameterized by the number of clauses? Input: A CNF formula $\phi$ with $m$ clauses and $n$ variables, and an integer $k$. Parameter: $m$...
user3445340's user avatar
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if it were shown that every algorithm that solves SAT must have complexity Ω(n^(log n)) then P≠NP?

Shouldn't this statement be false? To be true the implication should be P=NP or am I wrong? I can't find a formal proof
PatrickBateman's user avatar
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Complexity Class of the Problem: Existence of Unsatisfying Interpretations in Boolean Formulas

What is the complexity class of the problem if there exist two different interpretations that do not satisfy a given Boolean formula? I believe the problem of existence of an interpretation that does ...
Lupital's user avatar
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Complexity of a variant of #Positive-2-SAT

#Positive-2SAT is the problem of counting the number of satisfying assignments to a given Positive 2-CNF formula i.e 2-CNF formulas in which each literal is a positive occurrence of a variable. The ...
Anuj's user avatar
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Finding a Polynomial Time algorithm for the 3-SAT Problem

Let us consider m clauses containing 3 variables each i.e. A1,A2,A3...Am . Let the total literals in consideration be n. Then each clause : Ai = (xr $\lor$ xs $\lor$ xt) where 1 $\le$ r,s,t $\le$n and ...
Pathlessbark8's user avatar
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Polynomial Reduction from 3SAT

Given an undirected graph $G=(V,E)$ where $V$ is a set of vertices, and $E$ is a set of edges and given a set $D$ where $D \subseteq V $ and $ \forall v \in V \setminus D \: \mid \: \exists w \in D : ...
Emily's user avatar
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Can you help me find some examples of 3co-SAT for 4 variables?

I've been studying the examples of 3co-SAT recently. It's easy to find an example of one variable. $(x_1\lor x_1\lor x_1)\land (\overline{x_1}\lor \overline{x_1}\lor \overline{x_1})$ Examples of 2 ...
lz9866's user avatar
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I need to show that the problem is NP-complete

Double-SAT = {𝜓: 𝜓 has at least two satisfying truth assignments}. Hint: reduce from SAT. Start with a formula 𝜑 and modify it to get a formula 𝜓 so that 𝜑 is satisfibale if and only if 𝜓 has at ...
Jay's user avatar
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Proof of the Cook-Levin Theorem - snapshot transitions

I'm trying to understand the proof of the Cook-Levin thereom in Aurora and Barak's "Computational Complexity" text. A snapshot $z_i$ of $M$’s execution on some input $y$ at a particular step $i$ is ...
theQman's user avatar
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Consequences from a lower bound of SAT problem

I'm not sure how lower bounds affect the question to the P=NP problem. I.e. : Let a SAT instance with a size of n be transformed into an instance of a problem X with a size of n3. If you find a ...
Billy Joel's user avatar
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Polynomial Time Reduction: Set Cover to CNF-SAT

How to prove that Set Cover can be polynomial-time reduced to CNF-SAT?
Yerin's user avatar
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Proof of Circuit-Sat to Nand-Sat polynomial time many–one reducibility

Given a gate called Nand with the following truth table: A | B | A Nand B ------------------ 0 | 0 | 1 0 | 1 | 1 1 | 0 | 1 1 | 1 | 0 We can define ...
mike10101's user avatar