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Is it possible to convert a Boolean Formula to "negative normal form" in polynomial time?

A Boolean formula using only negation $\neg$, AND $\land$ and OR $\lor$ is said to be in negative normal form if the negation only appears in front of a variable, like this $\neg(x)$. So for instance, ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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How can one say solving one np-complete problem in polynomial proves that all np-complete problems can be solved in p?

I keep reading that we don’t know if p=np or if p!=np , but what is the basis for this universality? This question is derived from this statement from the book Introduction to algorithms, third ...
Roon's user avatar
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A 2-coloring of a bipartite graph such that one of the partitions contains exactly k vertices

Given the efficient solvability of the $2$-coloring problem in bipartite graphs, I claim that the this problem can be accomplished within polynomial time. A algorithm for solving this problem involves ...
Frank Vega's user avatar
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Is checking GCD in NC or strongly P?

Given two integers $m$ and $n$ computing $\mathsf{GCD}(m,n)$ is not known to be either in $NC$ or in strongly Polynomial time. Given three integers $m$, $n$ and $g$, is testing $g=\mathsf{GCD}(m,n)$ ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Encapsulated linear memory of Turing Machine

A function $f$ is said to be thinking in an encapsulated linear memory if: $f(x)$ is a polynomial block (that is, there exists a polynomial $q$ so that $|f(x)|\leq q(|x|)$) for each input $x$. ...
Xoxoxo's user avatar
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self-reducible in NP-time

We say that a language 𝐿 is 𝑘-self-reducible if there exists a function 𝑓 such that: 𝑓 is computable in polynomial time, and There exists $𝑛_0 ∈ ℕ$ such that for all 𝑥 of length at least $𝑛_0$...
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UNIQUE-PATH in P assuming LPATH is in P

We define the following languages: LPATH = {<G, a, b, k>|G is an undirected graph that contains a simple path of length at least k from a to b}. UNIQUE-PATH = {<G, a, b>| G is an ...
Dee's user avatar
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In class P, does decidability implies searchability?

I'm studying a course on Intro to Computability, and I couldn't find an answer. Often, we refer to problems in $\text{P}$ as problems that we can "efficiently search a solution for" (where ...
Yup8's user avatar
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What is the computational complexity of finding the splitting field of a polynomial?

Suppose $K$ is a number field and $f \in K[x]$ is irreducible. What is the computational complexity of computing f.splitting_field()? I'm also interested in the ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
16 votes
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What is so fundamental about polynomial functions that they are used to demarcate the Hardness boundary in NP complexity classes?

This question has been bugging me ever since I first came across the concept of NP, NP-Complete, and NP-Hard a few years back: what is so fundamental about the polynomial functions that they are used ...
shivams's user avatar
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Polynomial time algorithms for graphs and cycles

For a given undirected graph $G$ , let $ c(G) $ denote the length of the longest cycle in $ G $ (by cycle, we mean a closed path without repetitions). Prove that if there exists a polynomial-time ...
Abel's user avatar
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3 votes
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Cover a set of points using subintervals of a list of intervals

Given a set of points $\{p_1, p_2, \dots p_n\}$ and a set of intervals $I =\{[a_1, b_1], \dots [a_m, b_m]\}$, you are asked to find a set of subintervals $S = \{[c_1, d_1], \dots [c_m, d_m]\}$ where $[...
SimonNW's user avatar
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Polynomial solutions, one less

Let $L$ be a language in the class $FP$ of all polynomial-time solvable problems. The class $FP$ is defined by having a TM $M$ s.t. for any $x$ it computes in polynomial time a $y$ s.t. $(x,y)\in L$. ...
Dan D-man's user avatar
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Deciding if a regular language is empty can be done in polytime but deciding if it does not accept {0,1}* is not?

In my class we have discussed the fact that, given a representation $\langle R\rangle$ of a regular expression $R$, we can decide whether it accepts any string by first finding an equivalent NFA, and ...
Addem's user avatar
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If $P=NP$, then $LCP \in P$

I want to prove that if we assume $P=NP$, then we can find the longest cycle (maximal number of vertices, no repeated edges, only repeated vertex is the starting one) in an undirected graph in ...
Dave the Sid's user avatar
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Why is naive primality test not polynomial, while graph traversal is?

I am reading Sipser's Introduction to the Theory of Computation, and have trouble understanding the difference between polynomial and non-polynomial problems. When describing a PATH problem, where ...
Fernando's user avatar
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I am struggling to define the space complexity of a turing machine

I have a problem where I have a class A which is made up of problems which is solveable with a TM with space complexity O(logn). I now need to prove that the problem, where an input string of length n ...
Lex's user avatar
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Is the set of languages with verifiers running in polynomial time equal to the set of languages decidable by an NTM running in polynomial time?

I have seen two definitions for the set $NP$. One is that it is the set of languages decidable by a nondeterministic Turing machine (NTM) running in polynomial time, and the other is that it is the ...
Wisdom Iwueze's user avatar
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Is this intersection set problem NP-Hard?

Suppose we have collection of n sets $S_1, S_2, \dots, S_n$. Each set has a size of at least $k$. We know for sure that $\exists k$ sets where all of them contain the same $k$ elements; $|S_1 \cap S_2 ...
Xfae's user avatar
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NP-HARD optimization problem and instance correlation

If an optimization problem A is NP-hard and P≠NP, then does there exist an instance x of A such that no polynomial algorithm provides an optimal solution for x?
PatrickBateman's user avatar
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Is there a polynomial algorithm which for each graph G and each value k determines whether all the cliques of G have size smaller than k?

Is there a polynomial algorithm which for each graph G and each value k determines whether all the cliques of G have size smaller than k? Is it correct to say that it doesn't exist because clique is ...
PatrickBateman's user avatar
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Complexity Class of the Problem: Existence of Unsatisfying Interpretations in Boolean Formulas

What is the complexity class of the problem if there exist two different interpretations that do not satisfy a given Boolean formula? I believe the problem of existence of an interpretation that does ...
Lupital's user avatar
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Why are polynomials a natural measure for easiness of computational problems? [duplicate]

We understand the exponential function to constantly grow, which we consider bad for a problem. By constantly growing I mean the ratio $\frac{f(n+1)}{f(n)}$ never tends to 1, where $f(n)$ is the ...
Rishabh Kothary's user avatar
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Showing there exists a polynomial-time algorithm for deciding the existence of a linear classifier

For this question I figure we need to define a system of linear inequalities which I thought could be something like this : a1x1 + a2x2 + ... + anxn ≥ b if (x1, x2, ..., xn) ∈ X a1x1 + a2x2 + ... + ...
automatically's user avatar
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Is finding a Polytime reduction from $L_1$ to $L_2$ equivalent to proving $L_2 \in P \Rightarrow L_1 \in P$

I often hear NP-completeness as problems such that, if they were in $P$ all problems in $NP$ are in $P$. The true definition, though, is that NP-complete is a set of languages in NP that all languages ...
Ank i zle's user avatar
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Are any known problems complete for $P$ under "$O(1)$ reductions?"

The usual many-one reduction involves Turing machines transforming an input, $w$, of some language to an input, $f(w)$, of some other language in polynomial time. (Where $w \in L_1 \iff f(w) \in L_2$)....
Ank i zle's user avatar
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Why doesn't the problem of determining whether a word has the same number of 0's and 1's prove $P \neq L$?

One big problem in complexity theory is $P$ vs $L$. I was just thinking about why this isn't trivial, and I came up with the following example. Of course, it cannot work as a proof as it seems too ...
Ank i zle's user avatar
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Why is this not a proof of P # NP

Suppose that there is a set of strings such that for each n there is at most one string |w| = n. For any given n there is a 50:50 chance that such a string exists. These string can be arranged in a ...
Newberry's user avatar
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Is this definition of the class P correct?

The definition of P is given by the union of all DTIME($n^k$) languages for $k >= 0$, where DTIME($n^k$) is the set of languages for which there exist a TM time-bounded by $T(n) = O(n^k)$. However, ...
Abhishek Manikandan's user avatar
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Semi-bounded probabilistic polynomial-time, is it equal to BPP?

The complexity class $\mathsf{BPP}$ is typically defined as the class of all problems for which: Running an algorithm once takes polynomial time at most. The answer is correct with the probability at ...
rus9384's user avatar
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How can we show that P is not closed under taking all long prefixes?

Let P be the complexity class of languages decidable by Turing machines running in polynomial time. Say a prefix $s$ of a string $x$ is a long prefix (or an L prefix) if $|s|\ge |x|/2$. For a language ...
Fred Jefferson's user avatar
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Why is the ellipsoid method for linear programming only weakly polynomial time?

I am trying to understand why the ellipsoid method is not a strongly polynomial time algorithm for linear programming. Using wikipedia's definition, an algorithm runs in strongly-polynomial time if: ...
Nick Bishop's user avatar
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The class of problems that can be solved efficiently using physical means?

By "physical means", I mean, for example, using water pouring down tubes, or combining chemicals, etc. Basically, using some experiment in the physical world to perform some computation. I'...
chausies's user avatar
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Exact formulation of definition of $NP$, in relation to $R$

One definition for $P$ is the set of all languages that have a deterministic turing machine $M$ s.t. if $x\in A$ the machine accepts in polynomial time and otherwise it rejects, also in polynomial ...
Benicio Agüero's user avatar
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Does a constant time compression algorithm proves that P=NP?

Supposed someone came up with a compression algorithm that doesn't iterate through bytes or anything to compress data, does that proves P=NP? That is, an algorithm that doesn't rely on patterns/...
Feyijinmi Adegoke's user avatar
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Proving 2SAT is in P vs algorithm for finding a satisfying assignment

I want to understand the proof in the following link that 2SAT is in P. What is the need for the last corollary? Wouldn't be enough to just prove the case for the graph with the help of the path ...
lucasbbs's user avatar
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Prove that CorrectConnSolver is coNP-Complete

I need to prove that CorrectConnSolver is coNP-Complete where CorrectConnSolver is defind as follows: CorrectConnSolve$= \{C | C(G) = 1 \iff G$ is connected$\}$. In other words, the ...
ORN's user avatar
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How to prove that if Eternal Vertex Cover is Polynomial it's possible to detect its vertices and edges

EVG is defined as EVC = { <G,m,k>| G is an undirected graph and there is as et of m edges in G that are covered by at most k nodes} If EVG was decidable in polynomial time how could we find the ...
Niv's user avatar
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If P = NP then EXP^P = NEXP^NP?

I believe that if P = NP, then that would imply EXP = NEXP (because of the padding argument), and then EXP^P = NEXP^NP (we could replace EXP with NEXP since they are equal, and replace P with NP, ...
Alonso Montero's user avatar
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Encoding Turing machine-like behavior using families of sequences of vector spaces and modules. P=NP related

Let $F$ be a field. Suppose we have a machine $T$ that works with words that are elements of $F$, for exmaple $F = \Bbb{Z}/2, \Bbb{Q}$ (using arbitrary precision arithmetic), or $\Bbb{Z}/p$ for a ...
Daniel Donnelly's user avatar
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Circuit size of a random two to one function

Consider the set of all possible two-to-one functions that map inputs from $\{0, 1\}^{n}$ (domain) to outputs in $\{0, 1\}^{m}$ (co-domain) and let $m > n$. If I pick a function randomly from this ...
Sid Meier's user avatar
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I have seen an lot of proves why SET PACKING is NP complete. However, in every prove it states that SET PACKING is clearly in NP. It might be a stupid question, but is not so clear to me. I see that ...
Julie's user avatar
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Reducing a CNF formula to a DNF formula in less than exponential time

The easy way is by looking at the $\{0,1\}$-table and construct the corresponding DNF formula from that, but this will take $2^n$ time. I want to do it much more efficiently. My idea is based upon the ...
Mařík Savenko's user avatar
32 votes
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Problems that are polynomially "hard" to compute but "easy" to verify

In the (unlikely) event that $P=NP$ with a constructive proof of a polynomial time algorithm that solves 3SAT, obviously things will be very different. However, practically, it could happen that the ...
zyl1024's user avatar
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Need the time complexity of this conditional statement method

My idea of the program is : Input = n sets objective function ObjFn equals to O(n^3) Output = the order of n sets Steps: Applying ObjFn to all n sets Choose the n of the Minimum ObjFn to be ordered ...
1234's user avatar
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Complexity difference of Vertex cover and Vertex coloring regarding parametrized algorithms

I stumbled upon some problem in my understanding of the complexity classes FPT and XP. According to Wikipedia (and the Book "Parameterized Algorithms") we know the following about the Vertex ...
Felix's user avatar
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Subset Sum With Interval Integer Target

Define the subset sum with interval integer target problem (SSIITP) as follows: SSIITP Input: A multiset $S = \{a_1, …, a_p\}$ of positive integers $a_i$. An integer $T$. SSIITP Output: True, if ...
Samuel Bismuth's user avatar
4 votes
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Proofs of reduction of any hard problem

Approach:1 To prove any unknown problem $B$ is NPH then take any known NPH problem $A$ (e.g. $3$-sat) which reduces to $R$ in polynomial time. If I take any instance example $I_1$ of $A$, then ...
S. M.'s user avatar
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If $A\leq_P B$ and $B\in \text{NP}$, is $A\in \text{NP}$?

Let $A\leq_P B$ mean that the language $A$ is polynomial time reducible to $B$. It is a theorem that $A\leq_P B$ and $B\in \text{P}$ then $A\in \text{P}$. My question is, if $A\leq_P B$ and $B\in \...
Eoin's user avatar
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Is there a difference between extremely slow growing functions and constants with respect to computable functions?

So let's say we have the function $f(n)$ that gives $k$ such that $k$ is the smallest number that gives a busy beaver function $B$ value from input $k$ that is greater than $n$. Or more succinctly the ...
Askeroni's user avatar
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