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How to prove that if L is a regular language, then f(L) is also a regular language?

If $f$ is a function of integers, define $f(L)$ as: $$ f(L) = \{w \mid \text{for some } x, \text{ where } |x| = f(|w|), \, wx \in L \}. $$ This means $f(L)$ is the set of strings $w$ such that there ...
muenyz's user avatar
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Consider the language SUBSETDFA={⟨M1,M2⟩|L(M1)⊆L(M2)} . Show that SUBSETDFA is decidable

Consider the language SUBSET-DFA={⟨M1,M2⟩|L(M1)⊆L(M2)} . Show that SUBSETDFA is decidable.
modev's user avatar
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Caching terminology

In docs sites, blogs, tools and on StackExchange, I often see various caching terms used interchangeably (though I suspect they differ). Is there a theoretical difference between these terms: ...
lonix's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

What is so fundamental about polynomial functions that they are used to demarcate the Hardness boundary in NP complexity classes?

This question has been bugging me ever since I first came across the concept of NP, NP-Complete, and NP-Hard a few years back: what is so fundamental about the polynomial functions that they are used ...
shivams's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Two Generals' Problem - Thought Experiment

After reading the Two Generals' Problem, I am wondering as to why there isn't any solution and please correct me if I am missing something. What if, the generals decide that they will attack if they ...
ARGYROU MINAS's user avatar
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Are there any example of practical application of counter machines?

I am currently working on a presentation over how counter machines are as effective as Turing machines. During my research, I found out that random access machines are an improved version of counter ...
Nerincet Vonwthaud's user avatar
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Theoretical origin of acquire semantics only for reads?

What theoretical concept lies behind the strong restriction of acquire semantics - to reads, and release semantics - to writes? (With papers titles and authors, if possible.) Is it related to ...
Netch's user avatar
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For an NFA with langauge: {w ∈ {0, 1}*: the length of w is odd but not a multiple of three}. How many states are required?

For an NFA with language: {w ∈ {0, 1}*: the length of w is odd but not a multiple of three}. How many states are required? This is the work I have come up with so far: q0: non-accepting state - ...
Danny's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Prove that if $L \subseteq b^*$ isn't regular then $M = a^+L \cup b^*$ isn't regular

There is an exercise in a book about finite automata that I couldn't solve: Prove that if $L \subseteq b^*$ isn't regular then $M = a^+L \cup b^*$ isn't regular either, using the fact that REG is ...
Knogger's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Turing Machine Decidability [closed]

Consider the language $L = \{\langle M_1,\ M_2 \rangle \mid \exists x : x \in L(M_1) \cap L(M_2)\}$. Show that $L$ is not decidable. I'm attempting a proof by contradiction but I'm having trouble with ...
Clara's user avatar
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6 votes
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How do I improve my problem-solving and creative thinking skills in Computer Science?

I am a CS undergrad trying to improve my problem-solving skills. I have noticed that I have a problem with theoretical computer science which I've been trying to fix largely unsuccessfully till now. I ...
kaddy's user avatar
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Can negative edge weights in a graph be positive numbers?

I'm a little confused by the concept of a "negative" edge weight. All of the examples I have seen represent negative edge weights as negative numbers. Is it possible for an edge weight to ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Which non regular language meets the requirements for pumping lemma for regular languages?

I heard in my lecture that there are non regular languages which meet the requirements for the pumping lemma for regular languages but I never actually saw one. Does anybody have an example?
SmallBrainStudent's user avatar
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Why Regular Grammar is Left/Right Linear?

From the definition I know that regular grammar should be Left/Right Linear (ie it should have variable on Left/Right side of each production rules) But, my question is why it is mandatory? Can't we ...
Aamod Thakur's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Intuition for Sipser's proof of PDA to CFG

I understood Sipser's proof of CFG to PDA but I am having a hard time understanding his proof of conversion from PDA to CFG while demonstrating the equivalence between the two. He splits the proof (...
learner's user avatar
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3 answers

Regex for string does not contain the substring "110"

Can anyone help me figure out the error in my approach to this problem from Sipser 1.18 (1.6f)? Write a regular expression for the language L = {w | w does not contain 110} So, the answer I get is: $(...
learner's user avatar
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Are there any (theoretical-esque) computer science "competitions" at Undergrad level similar to Putnam?

I have searched for a bit eventually arriving at well known websites like codeforces, atcoder, codewars, codinggame or the various OJs. They mostly involve solving tasks where usually the main focus ...
noobman's user avatar
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How to prove ww^r is context free using pumping lemma for context free languages

I am having a hard time to prove it, what i know is we cannot prove that a language is regular by using pumping lemma cause even if the "pumped string" is in the language the language could ...
Pratik Hadawale's user avatar
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Why L1 := { a^n b^m | m, n ≥ 0 and m ≥ n } is regular and L2 := { a ^ n b ^ n | n>= 0 } not regular?

I understand why L2 is not a regular language. We can use the pumping lemma to prove it In the case of L2: assume n = 1 and string = ab We assume that L2 is regular, so it has "pumping length&...
Pratik Hadawale's user avatar
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When is a grammar ambiguous or When is a grammar not ambiguous?

I was looking at an example of grammar from the website: grammer example which is as follows: S → aB / bA S → aS / bAA / a B → bS / aBB / b I believe they forgot to write: A -> a Next, we are going ...
Pratik Hadawale's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to cross verify the resultant E-NFA in "Regular Expression to E-NFA" is correct?

Let's say that we want to convert the regular expression: (ab + a)* to Finite Automata, where '+' is union and '*' is kleene star. Using the Thompson method, Thompson Method I end up with this: My ...
Pratik Hadawale's user avatar
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1 answer

Converting Regular Expression to Finite Automata

I am studying "Theory of Computation" by Michael Sipser. I am studying the section where he teaches how to convert "RE to FA". He uses empty transitions for union, concat and star, ...
Pratik Hadawale's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is ε a part of alphabet or property of alphabet and NFA in FA

I am reading chapter 1 of Michael Sipser's "Theory of Computation" and in the section "Formation defination of NFA" he says the following: 3rd point of the above image is the ...
Pratik Hadawale's user avatar
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Converting Deterministic Finite Automata to Regular Expression

I am reading Michael Sipser's "Theory of Computation". In one of the proofs he talks about converting "DFA to Regular Expression" and he talks about "GNFAs". I understand ...
Pratik Hadawale's user avatar
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Prove that DIFFERENTDFA, PDA {<M1, M2> | Where M1 is a DFA and M2 is a PDA where L(M1)≠L(M2)} is undecidable

I am absolutely stumped on this one. I am unsure of how to start with this one. I have thought to reducing the problem to Atm. Another thought I have had is to convert M1 to a PDA and use the ...
akysu's user avatar
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What does it mean for a machine language to be Turing-complete?

I was reading the Wikipedia article on Turing completeness, but I was having a hard time putting together all of the concepts. In simple terms, what does it mean for an instruction set to have Turing-...
Meester Moo's user avatar
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Can a complex arrangement of diodes do computation?

If I have a bunch of diodes arranged in some complex, directed graph, can I get it to do computation? I mean will it add voltages and, for example, as I insert voltage sources in-between the diodes? ...
Mark Rosenblitt-Janssen's user avatar
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How to think of states when designing a Turing machine?

I am learning about designing Turing machines and I am struggling when it comes to creating the states diagram, for example if I wanted to design a Turing machine of the language $L=\{a^nb^n, n\geq 0\}...
Sergio's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Could Gödel’s incompleteness theorem be circumvented with a quine?

As you all probably know, Gödel’s incompleteness theorem states, that it will never be possible for mathematics to prove its own correctness. Mainly because that proof would be part of mathematics too,...
user avatar
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Can we solve a "very" exponential recurrence?

Can we solve this recurrence relation : $T_n = \exp(T_{n-1})$ ? Thanks!
ztg02's user avatar
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Is this an example of a zero-knowledge proof?

I want to prove to a verifier that I know the passcode of a system. The system contains data/information of the verifier of which is only contained with this system. Since I know the passcode to the ...
Anon's user avatar
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If Interpreters are used to run code and are written in another language, won't interpreters need interpreters?

As I was going through my online lectures, it is stated that python is interpreted with Cpython, a software written in C. Similarly, they have Jython (written in Java) and PyPy (written in Python). My ...
Sarah Shah's user avatar
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Same instances for different problems

According to the formal definition of an instance, it is a set of input data containing the values of the parameters of some problem (What is an instance of NP complete problem?). So, two problems may ...
Stencil's user avatar
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Must a partial halt decider be a pure function of its inputs?

Must a partial halt decider be a pure function of its inputs? A partial halt decider correctly decides the halt status of some of its inputs. I am trying to write C code that would be acceptable to ...
polcott's user avatar
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2 answers

Existence of infinite unique FSAs

It is reasonably simple to show that there are an infinite number of different finite state automata that can be constructed, but has it been proven if there is an infinite number of unique finite ...
bobbin's user avatar
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Can a non deterministic finite automaton go into infinite loop?

Here is the exact same question but on deterministic finite automaton. The case for deterministic finite automaton is simple. For each state only one transition is possible for each input symbol and ...
Abhishek Ghosh's user avatar
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Could someone explain the algorithm from this paper? (Thank you) [closed]

Trying to get a fair understanding of our artificial immune systems. To do this I’ve been reviewing this paper, but the algorithm and mathematics is over my head, could someone explain the below to me ...
Heather's user avatar
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4 answers

Should I be a good computer scientist to become a great software developer?

As I am headed into a Computer Science major wishing to eventually become a software developer, I wonder this: should I immerse myself in computer science theory and knowledge (data structures, ...
Attitude12136's user avatar
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Turing, RAM, or Von Neumann --- which theory/model is the consensus?

I am not a formal student for CS nor have I ever been, I just want to understand something simple about your field for general knowledge, in plea. Turing, RAM, or Von Neumann --- which theory/model is ...
modelsareagoodthing's user avatar
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Is memorization necessary in learning computer science?

Backgrounds Hi guys, I am now trying to teach myself some basic computer science theories. Specifically, I am using the book, CSAPP (computer systems, from a programmer’s perspective) and 15-213 ...
yChen's user avatar
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Is this language a context free language?

Consider the following language, where the alphabet is $\{0, 1, 2\}$: $B = \{0^a1^b2^c|a, b, c \geq 0 \text{ and }c = ab + 1\}$. Is this language a context free language? Prove your answer. I am ...
marcelomo's user avatar
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Artificial Intelligence: theory vs processing power

It is common to see articles praising the advances in AI (here is one example). There is no doubt that significant progress has occurred on all kinds of automation, hard games like chess, etc. The ...
Martin Argerami's user avatar
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Is the base of natural logarithms $e$ efficiently computable?

Is $e = 1 + \frac{1}{1!} + \frac{1}{2!} + \frac{1}{3!} + \frac{1}{4!} +\ldots$ efficiently computable? To be more specific, we say that a real number $r$ is efficiently computable if there is a ...
user133409's user avatar
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Is there a "theory" of operating systems?

Is there a theory for Operating Systems? That is, subfields of CS have theoretical parts; i.e. PL has type theory, ML has mathematical theorems, security has a lot of provable properties, etc. There ...
gust's user avatar
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What's beautiful in CS? [closed]

I'm afraid this may be opinion-based and not apt here, but... Mathematicians often talk about "mathematical beauty", i.e. Gauss' proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, Euler's Formula, ...
gust's user avatar
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"If any problem in NP is not polynomial-time solvable, then no NP-complete problem is polynomial-time solvable."

This is given vertabim in my lecture slides and it seems like I'm having difficulty proving this statement mathematically. I know that P is a subset of NP and NP-Complete is also a subset of NP. But ...
jay's user avatar
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How to get a piece of the Pie? Theoretical Plate Stacking Problem

This is just a theoretical problem that I found in the wild and want to know your solution. A stack of plates is made between you a cousin and a few others. Every (4 to 7) many random hours the plate ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Forest characterization

Prove that each property below characterizes forests... a. every induced subgraph has a vertex of degree at most one. When proving a characterization, do we have to prove both directions, like an if ...
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string concatenation vs language concatenation

What exactly is the difference between $$ C = \{a^*\}\{b\}\{a^*\}\{b\}\{a^*\}\{b\} $$ and $$ D = \{a^nba^nba^nb | n \geq 0 \} $$ It is known that D is non-regular and C is regular, but I am not sure ...
rzv09's user avatar
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Level Ancestor Query long-paths algorithm complexity of sqrt n

Can someone explain why the complexity of a query for LA is √n when we only decompose the tree into long-paths? How can we show/prove that? How can we prove that the number of paths can be as high as ...
andy489's user avatar
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