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11 votes
1 answer

Complexity of deciding if a formula has exactly 1 satisfying assignment

The decision problem Given a Boolean formula $\phi$, does $\phi$ have exactly one satisfying assignment? can be seen to be in $\Delta_2$, $\mathsf{UP}$-hard and $\mathsf{coNP}$-hard. Is anything ...
11 votes
1 answer

How to prove that a constrained version of 3SAT in which no literal can occur more than once, is solvable in polynomial time?

I'm trying to work out an assignment (taken from the book Algorithms - by S. Dasgupta, C.H. Papadimitriou, and U.V. Vazirani, Chap 8, problem 8.6a), and I'm paraphrasing what it states: Given that ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is the following langauge in $P$ or $NPC$

Assuming $P \neq NP$ Is the following langauge in $P$ or $NPC$: $L=\{\langle\phi\rangle\mid\phi$ is a 3CNF formula with an assignment satisfying at least half of the clauses$\}$ The first thing I ...
4 votes
1 answer

Asymptotic bounds on number of 3SAT formulas with unique solutions

A set is sparse if it contains polynomially bounded number of strings of any given string length $n$ otherwise it is dense. All known NP-complete sets are dense. It was proven that P=NP if and only if ...
6 votes
2 answers

Modeling the problem of finding all stable sets of an argumentation framework as SAT

As a continuation of my previous question i will try to explain my problem and how i am trying to convert my algorithm to a problem that can be expressed in a CNF form. Problem: Find all stable sets ...
3 votes
2 answers

Hardness of finding a true or a false assignment into a generic boolean formula?

I read some research that analyzes the hardness of SAT solving in the average case. In fact, for a 3CNF formula if you compute the ratio of clause to variables there is an interval (more or less ...
8 votes
2 answers

Is NAE-HORN-SAT in P or NP-hard?

I am interested to know the complexity of the NAE-HORN-SAT problem (not all equal). We know that HORNSAT is $\mathsf{P}$-complete, but on the other hand, NAE-SAT is $\mathsf{NP}$-complete. I want to ...
5 votes
1 answer

Prove that $\text{EXACT-TRIPLE}$ is not in NP

I received the following assignment: $\text{EXACT-TRIPLE} = \{ \phi \mid \phi \text{ is a boolean formula that has exactly 3 satisfying assignments} \}$. I need to decide whether this problem ...
9 votes
2 answers

Find $\epsilon'$ s.t $L_\epsilon$ is $\mathsf{NP}$-hard for any $\epsilon<\epsilon'$

Let $L_\epsilon$ be the language of all $2$-CNF formulas $\varphi$, such that at least $(\frac{1}{2}+\epsilon)$ of $\varphi$'s clauses can be satisfied. I need to prove that there exists $\epsilon'$ ...
5 votes
1 answer

How is verifying whether an assignment satisfies a boolean formula possible in polynomial time?

How can I prove that I can verify whether a boolean assignment of variables $a$ satisfies some boolean formmula $\phi$ in polynomial time? I know that we can just plug the boolean assignment into the ...
6 votes
1 answer

Running time of CDCL compared to DPLL

What's the complexity of Conflict-Driven Clause Learning SAT solvers, compared to DPLL solvers? Was it proven that CDCL is faster in general? Are there instances of SAT that are hard for CDCL but easy ...
14 votes
2 answers

Proving DOUBLE-SAT is NP-complete

The well known SAT problem is defined here for reference sake. The DOUBLE-SAT problem is defined as $\qquad \mathsf{DOUBLE\text{-}SAT} = \{\langle\phi\rangle \mid \phi \text{ has at least two ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to reduce MaxUNSAT to MaxSAT in a (almost) direct way?

In question How to reduce MaxUNSAT to MaxSAT? I was asking, how to reduce the MaxUNSAT problem to MaxSAT. With help of the given answer I could give a polynomial reduction : $MaxUNSAT \leq ...
8 votes
1 answer

How much can we reduce the number of clauses by converting from $k$-SAT to $(k+m)$-SAT?

If we suppose that we start with an instance of $k$-SAT, and try converting the problem to an instance of $(k+m)$-SAT, where there are $(k+m)$ literals per clause, can we guarantee a reduction in the ...
8 votes
2 answers

Is SAT in P if there are exponentially many clauses in the number of variables?

I define a long CNF to contain at least $2^\frac{n}{2}$ clauses, where $n$ is the number of its variables. Let $\text{Long-SAT}=\{\phi: \phi$ is a satisfiable long CNF formula$\}$. I'd like to know ...
4 votes
1 answer

Resolution complexity versus a constrained SAT algorithm

EDIT: ad hoc speed-ups are excluded. We have the result that propositional resolution requires exponential time. The resolution result uses the proof of the pigeonhole principle as an example of a ...
7 votes
1 answer

how do you prove that SAT is NP-complete?

As it is, how do you prove that SAT is NP-complete? I know what it means by NP-complete, so I do not need an explanation on that. What I want to know is how do you know that one problem, such as SAT,...

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