New answers tagged first-order-logic
Natural deduction proof: distributivity of existential quantification
This is an old question, and the discussion so far has not been very helpful (IMHO), so I think it is all right to just give the proof for the record so that it can be closed:
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first-order-logic × 230logic × 132
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satisfiability × 17
artificial-intelligence × 13
complexity-theory × 12
proof-techniques × 10
predicate-logic × 10
undecidability × 9
automated-theorem-proving × 9
smt-solvers × 8
logical-validity × 8
terminology × 7
reference-request × 7
lambda-calculus × 7
formal-methods × 7
descriptive-complexity × 7
computability × 6
unification × 6
reasoning × 6
graphs × 5
formal-languages × 5
normal-forms × 5
knowledge-representation × 5
algorithms × 4