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Boolean circuits with fan-out of each gate is 2

I am following the book of Arora and Barak book. We consider Boolean circuits as we do, Specifically, inner nodes are either AND, OR (both – fan-in 2), or NOT (fan-in 1) gates. The fan-out of each ...
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Depth of circuit computing f(x) = "first n bit string with circuit complexity sqrt(n)"

I want to construct a depth $\mathrm{poly}(n)$ circuit computing $$f(x) = \text{first }n\text{ bit string with circuit complexity }\sqrt n$$ where $x \in \{0, 1\}^n$. I see how to do it with depth $2^...
Aldew's user avatar
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Deducing upper bound for Boolean Circuit size from well-known algorithms

Given an algorithm A for computing binary function $f$. Assuming that A runs in time $t(n)$, what could we say about the size of the minimal Boolean circuit C that calculates f? I think that it ...
Dudi Frid's user avatar
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"Small" formulas for boolean functions

Theorem 10 in the following document: states that every boolean function $f:\{0, 1\}^n\rightarrow \{0, 1\}$ has formula complexity $O(...
hello_123's user avatar
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Does $\mathsf{NC_1\subsetneq NC}$ imply $\mathsf{NP\neq coNP}$?

Any $\mathsf{NC}$ circuit could be presented in SAT form via Tseytin transform. This applies in the reverse too: an arbitrary SAT instance could encode any $\mathsf{NC}$ circuit. Now, Frege proof ...
rus9384's user avatar
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Can you compute a majority function of n-bits using an O(n) size circuit?

Are you able to construct a boolean circuit that computes the majority function of n bits where the circuit only takes up O(n) space? If so, what would that circuit look like? I have a feeling it has ...
circuitman324's user avatar
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Given a language L how can I derive its Boolean formula?

Let: be given by Compute Boolean formulas for the following: This is part of my coursework; I have the answers but can't understand them. I want to develop some intuition on how I can solve these ...
neferpitou's user avatar
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Investigating the Claim: co-$NP\subseteq NP\text{/}P$ implies $\Sigma_3^P=\Pi_3^P$ and Collapse of the Polynomial Hierarchy?

I have been studying the polynomial hierarchy recently, and I came across an intriguing claim that I would like to explore further: Assuming co-$NP\subseteq NP\text{/}P$, the claim states that it ...
Straw User's user avatar
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Does there exist some ``partial" universal hashing?

Suppose we have sets $X$ and $Y$, $|X|=m$, $|Y|=n$. $H$ is a universal family of hash functions from $X$ to $Y$. Let $S\subsetneq X$ be a proper subset of $X$. Does there exist some "partial"...
Kagura Hitoha's user avatar
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P/poly and dyadic oracle

If we let a language L in {0,1}* be dyadic if for each x in L, and each index i with xi = 1, i is a power of 2, then consider the class of languages recognized by a polynomial time oracle machine with ...
dino-t's user avatar
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Given a boolean circuit that computes a boolean function, can we always find an equivalent circuit with optimal size?

Let's say that we have a decision problem $P$. Let's also say that $I_n$ is the set of all instances of size $n$ that exist for this problem, and that its cardinality is finite. There is a sequence of ...
Alonso Montero's user avatar
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Why $rank(C|_V)\geq rank(C)$ for $r$-rank preserving subspace for depth 3 circuits

I was reading Deterministic Black Box PIT Testing for Generalized Depth 3 Arithmetic Circuits - Karnin and Shpilka In the Theorem 3.4 they told $rank(C|_V)\geq rank(C)$ We have $C|_V$ which is ...
Sassy Math's user avatar
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Time complexity when implementing uniform family of circuits

It is known that the complexity class P is equivalent to the class of problems decided by polynomial-time uniform familiy of circuits. When stating the complexity of algorithms as this family of ...
Apo's user avatar
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Shannon's result that some Boolean functions require exponential circuits

In 1949 Shannon proved, using a non-constructive counting argument, that some boolean functions have exponential circuit complexity, see [1] and many texts on computational complexity. This result has ...
Martin Berger's user avatar
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prove that if $SAT\notin Size(2^{n/100})$ then CorrectSATSolver$\in P$

I need to prove that if $SAT\notin Size(2^{n/100})$ then CorrectSATSolver$\in P$. Where CorrectSATSolver $= \{C | C(\varphi) = 1 \iff \varphi$ is satisfiable$\}$. In other words, CorrectSATSolver ...
ORN's user avatar
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How does the circuit depth of a bijective function change if it is optimally rexpressed in terms of larger gates?

Consider a bijective function $f:\{0,1\}^n\rightarrow \{0,1\}^n$. Let $d_k$ be the minimal circuit depth of $f$ when expressed in terms of arbitrary $k$ bit gates (i.e. arbitrary bijective functions ...
Kfir Dolev's user avatar
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Circuit size of a random two to one function

Consider the set of all possible two-to-one functions that map inputs from $\{0, 1\}^{n}$ (domain) to outputs in $\{0, 1\}^{m}$ (co-domain) and let $m > n$. If I pick a function randomly from this ...
Sid Meier's user avatar
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NC with nearest neighbor gates

Consider a circuit belonging to the class $\text{NC}^i$, as defined here. From my understanding, the circuit consists of AND, OR ar NOT gates, each of bounded fan in --- without loss of generality, ...
Sid Meier's user avatar
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Prove $\text{CorrectSuccintSolver} \in \mathbf{coNP}$

Define the following languages: $$ \text{SUCC-CVAL}=\{(S,x,i) : \substack{S \text{ is a succint representation for circuit } C \\ \text{ and } C_i(x)=1 \text{ where } C_i \text{ is the i'th gate in }...
Dennis's user avatar
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What class is the language $(C,(v_i)_{i=1}^m,x)$ complete to s.t. $C(x)$ is a boolean circuit with $m$ gates with values $\{v_i\}_{i=1}^m$

Given the following language: $$ L=\left\{\,(\,C,\,\{v_i\}_{i=1}^m, \,x\,) \enspace :\enspace \substack{C(x) \text{ is a boolean circuit with } m \text{ gates} \\i\text{'th gate value is } v_i \text{...
Dennis's user avatar
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Decidable languages unconditionally not in P/poly

What are some nice/natural examples of languages not contained in $P/\mathit{poly}$, preferably decidable ones? I'm interested in unconditional results rather than examples such as the Karp–Lipton ...
Adelhart's user avatar
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How does fan-out change circuit complexity?

Edit: Here's maybe a clearer presentation of my question. In a Boolean formula, all the gates have fan-out 1, and the graph representing the formula is a tree. In a Boolean circuit, the gates can have ...
Alex May's user avatar
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Details wanted on the reduction from Circuit Value to CFG Membership

Consider a Boolean Circuit $C$ which takes $n$ inputs and has one output. Notation: Let $\textit{size}(C)$ be the size of circuit $C$: the total number of gates in $C$. Let $G = (V,\Sigma,R,S)$ be a ...
ShyPerson's user avatar
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What was the original paper that showed a simulation of turing machines via circuits?

It is a very standard construction in most complexity theory courses to turn a turing machine into a circuit. I thought this was due to Cook, but it looks like he did the reduction to SAT not through ...
exfret's user avatar
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What is the comparator circuit?

The standard circuits $AC^i$, $NC^i$ are constructed using $AND$, $OR$ and $NOT$ of various fan-ins, fan-outs and depths. What is the comparator gate constituted from? Structurally why is it believed $...
Turbo's user avatar
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What is the depth of comparator circuit required in Gale Shapely and STCONN?

Stable matching problem and $STCONN$ can be solved using comparator circuits (refer What is the depth of the $CC$ circuit necessary for stable matching? Is it in $CC^...
Turbo's user avatar
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Comparing PRAM and Circuit Complexity, $NC^i$

I wondered about the following quote from NC (Wikipedia): $NC^i$ is the class of decision problems decidable by uniform boolean circuits with a polynomial number of gates of at most two inputs and ...
ToxiCore's user avatar
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Is there distinction between $(C/poly)\cap(coC/poly)$ and $(C\cap coC)/poly$?

Let $C$ be an uniform complexity class for example $NL$ or $NP$. Is there distinction between $(C/poly)\cap(coC/poly)$ and $(C\cap coC)/poly$?
Turbo's user avatar
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Problems that are easy on boolean formulas but become NP-hard on circuits?

Many problems that take a boolean circuit as input are NP hard to compute. Do we have examples of such problems that become polynomial time computable when only boolean formulas are allowed as input? ...
Albert Hendriks's user avatar
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Iterated multiplication of permutation matrices

Given $m$ matrices of size $n\times n$ each of which is promised to be a permutation is it in $\mathit{quasiAC}^0$ or $\mathit{AC}^0$ to multiply the permutations where $m=\mathit{poly}(n)$ $m=\...
User2021's user avatar
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Prove lower bound on boolean circuit

Given matrix $A \in \{0,1\}^{n \times m}$ with $n$ rows and $m = 2^n - 1$ columns. Where $j$-th column is binary decomposition of $j$ ($j = 1 \dots 2^n - 1$). For example, if $n = 3$: $ A = \begin{...
Grigori's user avatar
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What is uniformity in Boolean circuits exactly?

I have two questions on Kaveh's answer to Definition of uniform boolean circuit : Kaveh mentions that the input is in unary encoding. In the definition it says the input is $1^n$, afaik $1^n$ is a ...
user206904's user avatar
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Circuits and Closure Under Reductions

Suppose that $A$ and $B$ are languages such that $A\leq_P B$ (many-to-one Karp reduction), and $B\in \mathbf{P/poly}$. How do we prove that $A\in\mathbf{P/poly}$? Using similar ideas like Cook-Levin (...
Anon's user avatar
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Symmetric functions in NC¹

A boolean function $f \colon \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}$ is symmetric if $f(x)$ depends only on the number of $1$s in $x$. It is known that every boolean function is in $\mathrm{NC}^1$, i.e. there ...
Larry a.'s user avatar
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Closure properties of Alternating Circuit 1 level

Recall that $\mathsf{AC^1}$ is the class of circuits with unbounded fan-in, polynomial size, and logarithmic depth. Is this class closed under Kleene star? I thought it would be simple since it is ...
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Converse of Impagliazzo, Kabanets, Wigderson

I am trying to prove that $\text{NEXP} = \text{MA} \Rightarrow \text{NEXP} \subseteq P/\text{Poly}$. I tried to approach the result via trying out the contrapositive, that $\text{NEXP} \nsubseteq P/\...
roydiptajit's user avatar
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Functions with small support have small circuits

I have been trying to understand the use of circuit models for boolean functions, and came across this question, that I am trying to struggle to understand: Show that if a function $f\colon \{0,1\}^n→\...
haggisman18's user avatar
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single circuit simulating multiple Turing machines

You can simulate polynomial time Turing machines with polynomial size circuits, can you simulate multiple poly time TMs with a single poly size circuit?
DeeDee's user avatar
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Simulation of circuits with circuits

From classical results of universal simulation of Turing machines there exists a Universal Turing machine simulating any Turing machine with time complexity 𝑇(𝑛) in time 𝑇(𝑛)log𝑇(𝑛). Is there is ...
DeeDee's user avatar
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Connection between Pseudo random generators and hardness

For a boolean function $f:\{0,1\}^n\longrightarrow\{0,1\}$ $H_{avg}(f)$ is defined as the largest $S(n)$ s.t. for all circuit $C_n$ of size $S(n)$, $\Pr_{x\in U_n}[C_n(x)=f(x)]<1/2+1/S(n)$. Here $...
roydiptajit's user avatar
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Circuit complexity of hardest monotone function

Show there exists a monotone function $f\colon \{0,1\}^n \mapsto \{0,1\}$, such that the minimal size of a monotone circuit that computes $f$ is $\Omega(2^n / n^2)$. Use the fact that the number of ...
Ido's user avatar
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Show that the OR of n variables cannot be expressed as a polynomial over Fp of degree less than n

Here is a question from Computational Complexity by Arora and Barak: Show that representing OR of $n$ variables $x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n$ exactly over a polynomial in $GF(q)$ requires degree exactly $n$. (...
roydiptajit's user avatar
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Why mod $p$ gates cannot be computed by $ACC^0[q]$ circuits, $p$ and $q$ prime

I am going through Computational Complexity by Arora and Barak, and there I came across the proof of why mod $p$ gates cannot be computed by $ACC^0[q]$ circuits, where $p$ and $q$ are distinct primes. ...
roydiptajit's user avatar
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Counting circuits with constraints

Please forgive me if this question is trivial, I couldn’t come up with an answer (nor finding one). In order to show that there are boolean functions $f : \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}$ which can be ...
Judy L.'s user avatar
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What is the difference between SIZE(n^k) and P/poly?

What is the difference between $\text{SIZE}(n^k)$ and $\text{P}/\text{poly}$? For reference: $\text{SIZE}(n^k)$ is defined as the class of problems solvable with Boolean circuits (of fan-in two) with ...
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Can the W hierarchy by defined by circuits having a satisfying assignment of weight at most k?

Traditionally, the $W$ hierarchy is defined around the problem of weighted circuit satisfiability. More precisely, the class $W[t]$ is defined as the closure under $\mathrm{fpt}$-reductions of the ...
Bernardo Subercaseaux's user avatar
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Construct a Circuit computing all boolean functions over n bits

Let $ n∈N $ . Construct a circuit with $ C_n(x_1,\dots,x_n) $ with $ 2^{2^n} $ outputs $ y_1,\dots,y_{2^{2^n}} $ which computes all distinct boolean functions $ f_i:\{0,1\}^n→\{0,1\}$ such that $ ...
Abdallah Barghouti's user avatar
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Proof that uniform circuit families can efficiently simulate a Turing Machine

Can someone explain (or provide a reference for) how to show that uniform circuit families can efficiently simulate Turing machines? I have only seen them discussed in terms of specific complexity ...
tigercub97's user avatar
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Example of *small* non monotone circuit such that any equivalent monotone circuit has greater size?

A "general" Boolean (combinatoiral) circuit is a labeled (with the labels: AND, OR, NOT, IN, OUT), directed, acyclic graph, that satisfies: fan-in=2 for the AND and OR nodes fan-n=1 for the NOT ...
Dudi Frid's user avatar
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Is it assumed that lower bounds on the size of monotone circuits apply to general Boolean circuits too?

A "general" Boolean (combinatoiral) circuit is a labeled (with the labels: AND, OR, NOT, IN, OUT), directed, acyclic graph, that satisfies: fan-in=2 for the AND and OR nodes fan-n=1 for the NOT ...
Dudi Frid's user avatar
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