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Is the difference between an unrecognizable language and a finite language decidable? recognizable?

Given 2 languages, A and B, such that A is not turing recognizable, B is finite, is it true that A-B is necessarily not turing recognizable? I am studying to an exam and would appreciate your help! I ...
Omer Sade's user avatar
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Critical Pair Determination in Knuth Bendix

In the Knuth Bendix completion algorithm, how does one identify all the critical pairs for an abstract term rewriting system? Does one have to iterate through each rule, and then identify which pairs ...
Navvye's user avatar
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is my attempt correct? proof that L in P or in NPC? $L=\{G$ is an undirected graph on n vertices VC $U$ and an IS $I$ such that $|U|+|I|=n+10$ \}

I am facing a problem with the validity of the reduction function, may I get some assist in solving this issue, please? $L=\{<G>| G$ is an undirected graph on n vertices that has a Vertex Cover $...
maya cohen's user avatar
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Communication complexity of Dyck language

I've been reading papers on streaming algorithms and ran across the following question which I haven't been able to answer: Consider the Dyck language $Dyck(2)$ over the alphabet $A = \{(,),[,]\}$ and ...
asamsa's user avatar
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Efficient Algorithm To Find A Path Which Covers Maximum Area Along Polygonal Perimeter For Surveillance Application

In the context of surveillance, I am working on a project where the goal is to find an algorithm that determines a path along a polygonal area, connecting a root node to a target node, while ...
Senthil's user avatar
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About infinite languages in RE and coRE

Let $L \in RE$. Then $L$ might be finite or infinite. I assume this is also true for $coRE$. But, if I have a language $L \notin RE$, it necessarily means that $L$ is infinite, am I correct? Also, if $...
Geo's user avatar
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Complement of a language definition

Let $A=\{$ M is a TM, $s\in \mathbb{N}$ and $\exists x\in\Sigma^*$ s.t M rejects $x$ in at most $s$ steps $\}$. I want to define its complement, so how do I negate "$\exists x\in\Sigma^*$ s.t M ...
Geo's user avatar
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What complexity class is this?

Disclaimer 1: I am a beginner in this domain and I am self-learning these concepts. Please take this in consideration when reading my question. Disclaimer 2: All corrections to this question are ...
Qwerty Boy's user avatar
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How to prove that a subset of a language L is related to NP while L is related to P?

a friend sent me a question where we're given language $L$ and its subset $E(L)$ such that: $$E(L)=\{E(w)\ |\ w\in L\}\\\text{such that}\\ E(w)=\{w_{even}=\sigma_2\sigma_4\dots\ |\ w=\sigma_1\sigma_2\...
Mohamad S.'s user avatar
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How to show a language is not recursive, without using reductions?

I would like to show a language is in not recursive (not in the family $R$) without using a reduction from a language that is known to be non-recursive. In other words, its as if I am discovering the ...
Benicio Agüero's user avatar
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Lower bound for $a^kb^k$ in one-tape TM

For the language $ L= \{a^kb^k | k \geq 0 \} $ How can i show there is no one-tape Turing Machine that can decide $L$ in less than $O(n\log n)$ time ?
Omid Yaghoubi's user avatar
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Hopcroft & Ullman: 1969 vs. 1979

How do the 1969 and 1979 books by Hopcroft & Ullman compare? Was the 1969 book an earlier version of the 1979 book? 1969: Formal Languages and their Relation to Automata 1979: Introduction to ...
xFioraMstr18's user avatar
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We cannot recognize a set of languages as the language themselves

"We cannot recognize a set of languages as the language themselves" What is the meaning of the line and why we cannot do it and how is the encoding of TM is helping in that?
Sameer Raj's user avatar
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How it's possible decide CNF by having a turing machine that decide SAT?

Suppose we have a Turing machine $M$ as black box that decide $SAT$ problem. Now suppse we have a $CNF$ formula $\phi$ with $n$ variables. How it possible checking satisfiblity of $\phi$ and then ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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If a TM accepts a non-regular language, its space complexity is $\Omega(\log \log n)$

I have been given an assignment that I'm having a very hard time understanding. The assignment is to prove that if an algorithm accepts a non-regular language, the complexity is $\Omega(\log \log n)$ (...
khand's user avatar
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Transitions of Turing machine in Cook Levin theorem proof

I am looking at the proof of the Cook-Levin theorem in Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness. In particular, I find one thing ...
Freshman's Dream's user avatar
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The Turing Machine in the proof of Time Hierarchy Theorem

In the proof of the Time Hierarchy Theorem, Arora and Barak writes: Consider the following Turing Machine $D$: “On input $x$, run for $|x|^{1.4}$ steps the Universal TM $U$ of Theorem 1.6 to simulate ...
Andrew22's user avatar
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What is the closure of context-free languages under finite intersections?

Famously the intersection of context-free languages need not be context-free. On the other hand the intersection of context-sensitive languages is context-sensitive. So this leads to the question: ...
gewo's user avatar
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Is it true that PRIMES are in SPARSE?

I'm wondering if PRIMES, the language of all prime numbers represented in binary, which is $\{10, 11, 101, 111, 1011, 1101, ...\}$, belongs to the SPARSE class, a set of all sparse languages, that is, ...
Captain Trojan's user avatar
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Question about reduction Proof

I've recently seen a proof that the set of Turing machines $L = \{encode(M) |L(M) \text{is closed under reversal}\}$ is not decidable. The proof used following idea: Reduce from the $A_{TM}$ problem ...
Ferdan's user avatar
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For every Non Deterministic polynomial Turing Machine $M$ exists $L(\overline{M})\in P \Leftrightarrow P=NP$

The $\Leftarrow$ direction is straightforward. On the other hand for $\Rightarrow$ direction I have an idea of the prove but I don't sure about it. For NTM, Non Deterministic Turing Machine, $M$, for ...
ChaosPredictor's user avatar
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Is there a non-deterministic polynomial by time Turing machine such that: $L(M)\in NPC$ and $L(\overline{M})\in P$

When $\overline{M}$ is a non-deterministic polynomial by time Turing machine that final states switched: accept to reject and vice versa. I'm thinking that this equal to $P=NP$, but I saw a solution (...
ChaosPredictor's user avatar
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A question about domains in Karp reductions

A basic question or request for clarification regarding Karp reducibility: Let $\Sigma^*$ be the set of all finite strings of 0's and 1's. Call a subset of $\Sigma^*$ a language. Let $\Pi$ denote ...
SapereAude's user avatar
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Why every finite language is polynomial?

I understand that it's possible to build TM that check all the finite number of cases, so it's definitely in $R$, but I'm not sure why it's in $P$
ChaosPredictor's user avatar
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Proof of existence of $L\in R\setminus P$

I saw some proof but I didn't understood it, any simple one?
ChaosPredictor's user avatar
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Complementary for $SAT$

I have tried to find a definition of complementary language to $SAT$, I mean $\overline{SAT}$. But I still confused, in case of $L\in \overline{SAT}$ is it mean: if $\varphi\in L$ then all ...
ChaosPredictor's user avatar
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Recursively enumerable notation $RE$ vs. $RE\setminus R$

I know that it's a bit stupid question.. , but still, Is there any difference between $RE$ and $RE\setminus R$ notations? I'm asking because I saw that in some places using both of the notations, for ...
ChaosPredictor's user avatar
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For s set $S\subseteq RE$, so call feature of language $S=\emptyset$ vs. $S=\{\emptyset\}$

I'm trying to understand what's the difference between $S=\emptyset$ and $S=\{\emptyset\}$ The diffenition that I found for $L_S=\{\langle M\rangle\ | L(M)\in S \}$ I understood that $S=\emptyset$ and ...
ChaosPredictor's user avatar
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Is a language recursive? 2 wrong ways of solving

Let's define: $Disagree(M_1,M_2) = \{x| $The result of $M_1$ on $x$ different from the result of $M_2$ on $x\}$ that means: if $M_1$ accept, $M_2$ reject and vice versa $NPA=\{L|\exists M_1,M_2$ ...
ChaosPredictor's user avatar
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State whether the language is in $R$, $RE$, etc. The intuition for the solution

I saw the solution but can't understand the intuition of the following question: Let's define $$L^{\ge k} = \{w\in L : |w| \ge k\}$$ and $$L=\{\langle M\rangle | \exists k:L(M)^{\ge k} = \overline{HP}^...
ChaosPredictor's user avatar
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Finite languages $L\in RE$

I want to check if I understood it in the right way. In some example where $L\in RE$ the explanation deal with 2 cases: 1st when $L$ finite and 2nd when $L$ infinite. In the second case $L\in R$, isn'...
ChaosPredictor's user avatar
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Can you say anything interesting about a language knowing only that it is prefix-closed?

Suppose $L$ is an arbitrary formal language over a finite alphabet $A$, and suppose that $L$ is closed under prefixes (i.e. if $w \in L$, and $u$ is any prefix of $w$, then $u \in L$). Knowing only ...
wanderingmathematician's user avatar
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For an NFA, can we always find a RAM?

For an NFA, can we always find a RAM, which recognises the same language?
x89's user avatar
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Is there a way to map the concatenation operation over strings to the addition operation over $\mathbb{N}$

Given an alphabet, say $\Sigma = \{0,1\}$, I can make a one-to-one mapping from all possible strings $x \in \Sigma^*$ to $\mathbb{N}$. This could be done by ordering $\Sigma^*$ lexicographically and ...
Link L's user avatar
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Formal defintion of SET-PARTITION as a language

I am not quite sure howto define SET-PARTITION as a language as in Sipser. Is it $$ \left\{ \langle S,A,B\rangle \;\middle|\; (A,B) \text{ is partition of } S \text{ and } \sum_{n\in A} n = \sum_{n\...
Manuel Schmidt's user avatar
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Languages A, B ∈ NP-complete such that A⋃B = Σ*

I'm pretty new to complexity theory and it seems like I stuck with this problem. We should find language $B$ such that it accepts any words rejected by $A$ but in that case, it seems that $B$ is a ...
Godder's user avatar
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More the number of for loops greater the problems solved

This is more a formal language theory question. Imagine a setting where you are given a very basic programming language where variable assignments etc are taken care of without any of the iteration ...
Ramit's user avatar
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how to write a language for context-free grammar generates the empty string?

How would you write a language for a context-free grammar that generates an empty string. Is it something like E = { (G) | G is a CFG and L(G) = Ø}?
Emily Bennett's user avatar
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Arithmetical Hierarchy, show $\Sigma_1$ is Turing recognizable

I'm new learning Arithmetical Hierarchy, my question ask to show that $\Sigma_1$ is Turing recognizable. I'm not sure what's the general way to approach this, but I noticed $A_{TM}$ is in $\Sigma_1$ ...
hh vh's user avatar
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One-way-function based on Friedberg numberings

A one-way-function is an easy to compute function $y=f(x)$ which is hard to invert. In 2000 Levin showed an example of a function which is one-way if there are one-way functions. As far as I know, it ...
Harald Thomson's user avatar
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How to create CFG for $L := \{x| \#_0(x) \text{ is even and } \#_1(x) \text{ is odd}\}$

Create an CFG for all strings over {0, 1} that have the an even number of 0’s and an odd number of 1’s. Also, I have a hint HINT: It may be easier to come up with 4 CFGs – even 0’s, even 1’s, odd 0’s ...
IamhappyXD's user avatar
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Is SAT a single language or a union of languages?

I know that a language is in NP if a Turing machine can decide the language of its checking relation $\{\text{boolean formula }\#\text{ truth assignment | truth assignment is correct}\}$ in polynomial ...
Hui Wang's user avatar
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I want to solve this question for algorithm, please [closed]

Write an algorithm that calculates the monthly payment of a bank loan with a fixed interest-rate. Given the principal amount, the fixed interest rate, the number of years to pay the loan, you can ...
m.a.m's user avatar
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Complement of languages and coNP

By definition, any language (decision problem) $L$ is defined as a subset of $\{0,1\}^*$, where $\{0,1\}$ is the alphabet. $L^c$ is said to be the complement of the language, and it seems to be ...
ramseysdream111's user avatar
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Are Context Sensitive Grammar with Polynomial Complexity Time?

Accordingly, to the question Chomsky Hierarchy and P vs NP, Context-Sensitive Grammars are on Linear Space. Assuming a Deterministic Parser is the one which can parse unambiguous grammars in ...
user's user avatar
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Why isn't DIV necessarily in P? [duplicate]

In my formal languages class, we discussed DIV, defined as following: $\mathrm{DIV} = \{\langle a,b\rangle : \text{$a, b \in N$ and $a$ has a divisor $d$ for some $1 < d \leq b$ }\}$ ($\langle\...
John_Titor's user avatar
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Prove that $L = \{ xy \in \{a , b \}\textbf{*} \mid |x|_a = 2|y|_b \}$ is not regular

Prove that $L = \{ xy \in \{a,b\}^* \mid |x|_a = 2|y|_b \}$ is not regular. I have already tried to prove it by using the pumping lemma and reduction to absurdity, but have been unsuccesful on both. ...
Mnaive's user avatar
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Proving existence of a language $L\in DTIME(n^{\log n})$ which is not in $Avg-P$

I'm struggling with the following question: Define $Avg-P$ the class of all languages $L$ for which there exists a polynomial time Turing Machine $M$ such that for every $n$, for all but $\frac{2^n}{...
newUser's user avatar
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Is Language $ L = \{ww^{R} \in \{a,b,c\}^{*} : |w|_{a} \not\equiv |w|_{b} $ and $ |w|_{b} \not\equiv |w|_{c} \} $ context free?

$ L = \{ww^{R} \in \{a,b,c\}^{*} : |w|_{a} \not\equiv |w|_{b} $ and $ |w|_{b} \not\equiv |w|_{c} \} $ I would use the Ogden pumping lemma. Assumption $n < m$ where $n$ is a number from lemma. My ...
PoliteMan's user avatar
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how can i say a given problem is in co-NP using it's definition?

I seem to be having trouble understanding the connection between the formal definition of co-NP and how problems are concluded to be in it. co-NP is defined to be the class containing the languages ...
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